Na stronie od 2020-06-15
13/06/2020 r.
Remembering Martin Buber
HEPPENHEIM. Saturday, 13 June 2020 is the 55th anniversary of the death of Martin Buber (1878-1965), which the ICCJ commemorates today.
Na stronie od 2020-06-15
13/06/2020 r.
HEPPENHEIM. Saturday, 13 June 2020 is the 55th anniversary of the death of Martin Buber (1878-1965), which the ICCJ commemorates today.
Na stronie od 2020-06-15
28/06/2020 r.
On June 28, 6 p.m. UTC the ICCJ is going to hold a webinar that will explore the possibilities and pitfalls of online interreligious dialogue. Registration for participants is open!
Na stronie od 2020-06-14
14/06/2020 r.
...czy ta historia ma przełożenie na nas: przecież ważną składową opisanej w Torze sytuacji jest bezpośrednia interwencja Boga; teraz niczego takiego nie oczekujemy, a wielu z nas wątpi, czy w ogóle warto taką opowieść traktować poważnie. Jednak rozpacz ludzi, zwątpienie ludu, bunt mas to zjawiska całkowicie z naszego świata, a opisana w tekście reakcja Mojżesza jest godna uwagi i może stanowić wskazówkę dla liderów w naszych czasach. (Stanisław Krajewski)
Na stronie od 2020-06-14
14/06/2020 r.
Alon Goshen-Gottstein: There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. Together, we set out to answer seven questions:
Na stronie od 2020-06-13
12/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.)
Na stronie od 2020-06-11
11/06/2020 r.
Haaretz: Jan Grabowski appeared on the cover of a right-wing Polish magazine at the end of May. The face of the Polish-born historian took up a large amount of the cover, against the background of a threatening black-and-white photograph from the period of World War II. “A Lie Without Punishment,” blared the headline of the mass-circulation newsweekly Do Rzeczy, and the subhead added, “In his book about the ‘Blue’ Police, Jan Grabowski again accuses the Poles of having taken part in the Holocaust.”
Na stronie od 2020-06-10
05/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israe)
Na stronie od 2020-06-10
01/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel)
Na stronie od 2020-06-08
08/06/2020 r.
Elijah Interfaith Institute, Jerusalem. Coronaspection Launch - Wisdom June 2020.
Na stronie od 2020-06-07
07/06/2020 r.
Trudno jest oczywiście zestawiać Mojżesza z obecnymi politykami, bo według Biblii jego rola wynikała z woli Stwórcy, który jest suwerennym władcą świata. Takiej wizji nie akceptuje bardzo wielu współczesnych ludzi, w tym oczywiście Żydów. Jednak pewna paralela jest możliwa: obecnie powszechnie uważa się, że suwerenem jest naród, a w bardziej praktycznym ujęciu – ogół wyborców. To od tego suwerena – poprzez wybory – pochodzi uzasadnienie roli, którą sprawuje przywódca. Warto podkreślić, że rozwój żydowskiej tradycji też idzie w tym samym kierunku. Im później, tym ważniejsi są ludzie: interwencja Boga jest coraz bardziej pośrednia aż w końcu praktycznie zanika i to ludzie mają o wszystkim decydować. (Stanisław Krajewski)
Na stronie od 2020-06-06
05/06/2020 r.
One of the most important insights of the Coronaspection project, which brings together 40 world religious leaders for their insights on faith during the time of the coronavirus, has to do with the sense of solidarity and interconnectedness of humanity. Unity is one outcome that almost all participants recognize, and this unity extends also to some significant dimension of unity across religions. United in their struggle with the spiritual challenges of one virus, religious leaders of different traditions share their particular vision across religious boundaries. by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Na stronie od 2020-06-05
05/06/2020 r.
In light of the overwhelming pain at the murder of George Floyd ICCJ's member organization in the United States, the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR), published a statement that the ICCJ disseminates with heartfelt sympathy.
Na stronie od 2020-06-05
28/06/2020 r.
Martin-Buber-House, Heppenheim, June 5, 2020.
Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 6 p.m. U.T.C.
[Heppenheim: 8 pm; Jerusalem: 9 pm; Los Angeles: 11 am; New York: 2 pm; Santiago de Chile: 2 pm]
Na stronie od 2020-06-05
07/06/2020 r.
Highest-level seminars in the world for middle school and high school students interested in Jewish ideas, Zionism, and American democracy. Small classes, master teachers, and spirited discussions—all online.
Na stronie od 2020-06-05
05/06/2020 r.
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: June contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.