Na stronie od 2021-03-24
24/03/2021 r.
Institute Saint Pierre de Sion, known as Ratisbonne
The Institute Saint Pierre de Sion, known as “Ratisbonne”, was found in Jerusalem in the nineteenth century by the Religious of Notre-Dame de Sion. In its beginning its fundamental occupation was the running of a professional school to respond to the needs of the local population of Jerusalem and surroundings. Following the Second Vatican Council, it became a Christian Center for Jewish Studies under the direction of the Brothers of Notre-Dame de Sion, with the collaboration of the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Sion and other teachers, both Jewish and Christian. The goal of the Institute was to put into practice the recommendations of the Conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, on the relationship between the Church and the Jewish people, and to do so in an international and ecumenical framework.