A Cardinal Bea Event - Towards a Teaching of Respect
02/06/2021 | Na stronie od 27/05/2021

Source: Sr Anne Lee Notre Dame de Sion
A CARDINAL BEA EVENT - an event to celebrate the legacy of Cardinal Bea. Cardinal Bea was very influential in the thinking behind and writing of Nostra Aetate, the declaration of Vatican II on the Relation between the Church to non-Christian Religions. It was one of the most revolutionary documents of the Council.
Our speakers will be Sr Mary Boys, Rabbi Jeremy Parnes and Archbishop Don Bolen.
We will be sending a Zoom link on Tuesday 1st June. We do hope you will be able to join us for this special event.
Wykład (w języku angielskim) który odbędzie się na platformie zoom pt. A Cardinal Bea Event: Toward a Teaching of Respect' 2 czerwca o godz. 17.30 (PL czasu). W tegorocznym wykładzie (które odbywają się już od ponad 50 lat) wezmą udział : Sr Mary Boys, Rabbi Jeremy Parnes and Archbishop Don Bolen - osoby zaangażowane w dialog od wielu lat.
Sion Centre for Dialogue and Encounter
Sion Centre for Dialogue and Encounter: A place to listen, learn, reflect, respect. A setting for study and growth in mutual understanding between Christians and Jews, between other faiths and cultures.
Located in the heart of London, the Sion Centre for Dialogue and Encounter is run by the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion and offers courses and lectures, as well as times for reflection and prayer. There is the opportunity to read and do research in our specialist library. We are also pleased to welcome outside groups who can use our facilities for their own seminars, training and meetings.