Instytucje i organizacje dialogu chrześcijańsko - żydowskiego
31/08/2021 | Na stronie od 31/08/2021

Znaczące instytucje dialogu w Polsce i nie tylko
- Polska Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów . Misja:
- Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ)
- promotes understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews based on respect for each other's identity and integrity;
- addresses issues of human rights and human dignity deeply enshrined in the traditions of Judaism and Christianity;
- counters all forms of prejudice, intolerance, discrimination, racism and the misuse of religion for national and political domination;
- affirms that in honest dialogue each person remains loyal to his or her own essential faith commitment, recognizing in the other person his or her integrity and otherness;
- coordinates worldwide activities through a programme of carefully structured conferences held regularly in different countries. The participants examine current issues across national and religious boundaries, enabling face-to-face exchanges of experience and expertise;
- encourages research and education at all levels, including universities and theological seminaries, to promote interreligious understanding among students, teachers, religious leaders, and scholars;
- performs outreach in regions that so far have little or no structured Jewish-Christian dialogue, such as Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Far East;
- provides a platform for wide-ranging theological debate in order to add a religious choice to the contemporary search for anwsers to existential and ethical challenges.
- Międzynarodowy Katolicko-Żydowski Komitet Łączności
Międzynarodowy Katolicko-Żydowski Komitet Łączności – jedyna oficjalna organizacja skupiająca przedstawicieli Stolicy Apostolskiej i najważniejszych organizacji żydowskich, otwartych na dialog międzyreligijny, utworzona w 1970 r. w Rzymie. W pierwszych latach działalności stronę katolicką reprezentowali specjaliści z dziedziny dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego. 22.10.1970 r. papież Paweł VI utworzył Komisję ds. Kontaktów Religijnych z Judaizmem, od tego czasu przedstawicielami Kościoła są członkowie i doradcy watykańskiej Komisji. Stronę żydowską reprezentują członkowie Międzynarodowego Komitetu Żydowskiego ds. Konsultacji Międzyreligijnych, utworzonego w 1969 roku. Trzon tej organizacji w latach 70. XX w. tworzyli przedstawiciele Światowego Kongresu Żydów, Rady Synagog Amerykańskich i Amerykańskiego Komitetu Żydowskiego. Światowy Kongres Żydów posiada swoje przedstawicielstwa w ponad 80 krajach, cieszy się uznaniem wśród wielu Żydów. Rada Synagog Amerykańskich jednoczy ortodoksyjny, konserwatywny i reformowany judaizm w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Powstała w 1926 r. w celu prezentowania wspólnego żydowskiego stanowiska w dziedzinie kontaktów międzyreligijnych. Przeciwstawiając się wszelkiej działalności misyjnej, rozwija i popiera inicjatywy, które mają na celu religijne porozumienie pomiędzy wyznawcami judaizmu i chrześcijaństwa. - Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC). Israel.
"Now that we as a people and a nation have returned to history, and the Christian world is beginning to recognize the continuing legitimacy of its elder brother’s covenant, grafting itself onto us as a branch is grafted to the roots, we must each complete our return to God, join hands and bring a religion of love, morality, pluralism and peace to a desperate, thirsting world. The God of compassion must overcome the Satan of jihadism, and our revived dialogue and historic, even sacred, union must bring the light of freedom and security to the farthest corners of the world." - Rada ds. Dialogu Religijnego Konferencji Episkopatu Polski
Przewodniczący Rady ds. Dialogu Religijnego Konferencji Episkopatu Polski koordynuje pracę trzech komitetów: ds. Dialogu z Judaizmem, ds. Dialogu z Islamem, ds. Dialogu z Niewierzącymi. Każdy komitet jest autonomiczny w realizacji swoich zadań. Przewodniczący Rady reprezentuje te trzy komitety na zewnątrz, zwłaszcza w kontaktach z dykasterią rzymską. - Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel.
"Now that we as a people and a nation have returned to history, and the Christian world is beginning to recognize the continuing legitimacy of its elder brother’s covenant, grafting itself onto us as a branch is grafted to the roots, we must each complete our return to God, join hands and bring a religion of love, morality, pluralism and peace to a desperate, thirsting world. The God of compassion must overcome the Satan of jihadism, and our revived dialogue and historic, even sacred, union must bring the light of freedom and security to the farthest corners of the world." - Woolf Institute w Wielkiej Brytanii
The Woolf Institute's vision is a world in which collaborative discussion and constructive engagement overcome prejudice and intolerance. The Institute combines teaching, scholarship and outreach, focusing on Jews, Christians and Muslims, to encourage tolerance and foster understanding between people of all beliefs.
Established in 1998, and with strong links to the University of Cambridge, the Woolf Institute is recognised internationally for its expertise in researching and understanding relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims. The primary aim of the Woolf Institute is to answer practical and theoretical questions concerning aspects of identity, culture and practice using multidisciplinary approaches with research, teaching and public education staff from a wide range of academic backgrounds.
We strive, in our research and outreach, to demonstrate how greater understanding of commonality and difference can inform and enhance the wider public good. - Centrum Dialogu i Modlitwy - Oświęcim "Spośród wielorakich inicjatyw, jakie w duchu Soboru podejmowane są dzisiaj na rzecz dialogu żydowsko-chrześcijańskiego, pragnę wskazać na powstający w Polsce ośrodek informacji, wychowania, spotkań i modlitwy. Ma on służyć badaniom nad Shoah oraz nad martyrologią narodu polskiego i innych narodów europejskich w okresie narodowego socjalizmu, a także duchowej konfrontacji z tymi problemami. Należy sobie życzyć, aby przyniósł obfite owoce i mógł stanowić wzór również dla innych narodów." Jan Paweł II, 24.06.1988.
- Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej, Kraków
- Instytut Kultury Spotkania i Dialogu Stowarzyszenia im. Jana Karskiego.
- Krakowski Klub Chrześcijan i Żydów "Przymierze"
- Forum Dialogu - Misją Forum Dialogu jest odbudowywanie i tworzenie nowych więzi pomiędzy współczesną Polską a społecznością żydowską na świecie.
Dodatkowo wyróżnione żydowskie instytucje dialogu
- Rabbinic Committee for Interreligious Dialogue (RCID)
- International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) ( Statments))
Develop and maintain relations with the Vatican, the Orthodox Christian Church, the World Council of Churches, and other international religious bodies. - ICCI: The Interreligious Coordinating Council of Israel - multinational organization dedicated to fostering peace between the world's diverse faith communities through interfaith dialogue, education, research and dissemination. Our unique programming generates interfaith dialogue at the highest levels, bringing together world religious leaders and renowned scholars the world over, through research projects, public conferences and community-based initiatives.
- The Milstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue
The Milstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue (MCID) sponsors timely discussions and activities among diverse leaders, continuing JTS’s decades-long commitment to interreligious engagement.
The center focuses particularly on fostering Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Muslim understanding and partnership, and has been a trailblazer in each of these areas.
Among its many programs, the MCID cosponsored a major celebration of Jewish-Catholic relations on the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, featuring Archbishop Timothy Dolan. Under a Carnegie Corporation grant it ran three years of workshops on “Judaism and Islam in America,” in collaboration with the Hartford Seminary and the Islamic Society of North America. And it hosted a series of Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogues around the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Dodatkowo wyróżnione katolickie instytucje dialogu
- John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue
The John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue, a partnership between The Russell Berrie Foundation and the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), builds bridges between Christian, Jewish and other religious traditions by providing the next generation of religious leaders with a comprehensive understanding of and dedication to interfaith issues and action.
The Center, located at the Angelicum in Rome, Italy, sponsors unique programs and initiatives to achieve this goal, including: fellowships for students to pursue interreligious studies, a diploma program in interreligious studies, a study tour to Israel, top-level visiting faculty teaching interreligious dialogue courses, and public lectures and conferences on Interreligious Understanding. - Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews
7. With this increasing appreciation within the Jewish world of “the strategic importance of the relationship with the Catholic Church, and even of the theological as well as moral imperatives for deepening this mutual relationship, the opportunity to work together for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth” becomes our common imperative.
8. The bilateral commission reiterated its repudiation of the instrumentalization of religion for violent ends, and reaffirmed the obligation that our religions demand to preserve the sanctity and dignity of human life. In this regard, religion must not be part of the problem but must be part of the solution.
(...) - Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies.
The Cardinal Bea Centre of the Gregorian University — taking its name and inspiration from the farsighted vision of the Jesuit Augustin Bea, principal architect of the Declaration Nostra Aetate — promotes the knowledge of Judaism and its theological aspect starting from both a Jewish and a Christian perspective. This takes place through teaching, research, and academic exchange between Christians and Jews, aimed at fostering relationships that produce mutual enrichment.
The Vision: With the Declaration Nostra Aetate of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, the Catholic Church embarked on a journey of dialogue, fraternity, and friendship with the Jewish people. The relation to Judaism is part of the Church’s identity: “The Jewish religion is not ‘extrinsic’ to us, but in a certain way, is ‘intrinsic’ to our religion” (John Paul II, "Discourse at the Rome Synagogue", 13 April 1986). Receiving professors, students, and friends of the Cardinal Bea Centre on 28 February 2019, Pope Francis reiterated the importance of the Centre as “the Catholic Church’s premier program in Jewish Studies” and expressed special appreciation for “the witness of Jewish and Catholic instructors who teach together”. - The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (United States and Canada) - Dialogika Menu:
The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) is an association of centers and institutes in the United States and Canada devoted to enhancing mutual understanding between Jews and Christians. It is dedicated to research, publication, educational programming, and interreligious dialogue that respect the religious integrity and self-understanding of the various strands of the Jewish and Christian traditions. Our members are committed to interreligious dialogue, the purpose of which is neither to undermine or to change the religious identity of the other, but rather seeks to be enriched by each other's religious lives and traditions. - Zgromadzenie Sióstr Matki Bożej Syjonu. (Notre Dame de Sion; NDS) Notre Dame de Sion to katolickie, międzynarodowe zgromadzenie zakonne o biblijnej duchowości, którego charyzmatem jest dialog międzyreligijny. Siostry mają „ Świadczyć o wiernej miłości Boga do Narodu Żydowskiego i o wierności obietnicom objawionym patriarchom i prorokom Izraela dla całej ludzkości”.