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When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year

Na stronie od 2024-09-26

20/09/2024 r.

When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year

When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year, Elijah Interfaith responded with intensified prayers. Our ongoing program, Praying Together in Jerusalem, increased its activity from monthly to weekly gatherings under the subject-line, "Upholding the Dignity of the Human Person." Weekly, teachings were offered by leaders and teachers of all major faiths, highlighting the value of the human person as an ideal that must be maintained, even at times of war and even following the events of October 7th. These teachings were followed by prayers, suitable to the context, and more broadly with the hope for eventual peace. After half a year of learning and praying, we created this short video compilation.

Uroczystości związane z 85. rocznicą spalenia Synagogi w Ustroniu - zaproszenie

Na stronie od 2024-09-17

15/09/2024 r.


Program uroczystości obejmuje przemówienia organizatorów, Apel Pamięci (odczytanie nazwisk ustrońskich ofiar Holocaustu), wspólne modlitwy duchownych Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego, Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego, Kościoła Zielonoświątkowego, Chrześcijańskiej Wspólnoty Życie i Misja oraz przedstawicieli Gmin Wyznaniowych Żydowskich.

Praying Together in Jerusalem - logo

Na stronie od 2024-09-14

19/09/2024 r.

Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity

Join us on Thursday 19th September at 6 pm (Jerusalem time) on Zoom.
This week Anantanand Rambachan will teach about the vision of Ramana Maharshi for Peace-Making.
Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach.


Na stronie od 2024-09-13

13/09/2024 r.

Papież w Azji i Oceanii

Celem podróży jest umocnienie wiary i lokalnego zakorzenienia katolików, a także nadanie Kościołowi kluczowej roli w prowadzeniu dialogu i budowaniu pokoju w regionie.
"Wszystkie religie są drogami dojścia do Boga."

Praying Together in Jerusalem - logo

Na stronie od 2024-09-02

05/09/2024 r.

Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity | Thursday September 5th, 6pm

Join us on Thursday 5th September at 6 pm in-person at Convent of the Sisters of Zion (Ein Kerem, Jerusalem), and on Zoom.
This week Shelagh Shalev will teach about the Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, Thích Nhất Hạnh, and his understanding of the Dignity of the Human Person.
Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach and hosted by Sr Rita Kammermeyer.

Praying Together in Jerusalem - logo

Na stronie od 2024-07-29

01/08/2024 r.

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

As part of the summer school program, Praying Together in Jerusalem will feature Rabbi Reuven Kimmelman teaching about Abraham Joshua Heschel, followed by Chistian, Muslim and Jewish prayers, live at St Peter of Gallicantu on Mt Zion. More details will follow.