Izrael w stanie wojny

When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year

Na stronie od 2024-09-26

20/09/2024 r.

When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year

When the Holy Land was once again plunged into violence on October 7th last year, Elijah Interfaith responded with intensified prayers. Our ongoing program, Praying Together in Jerusalem, increased its activity from monthly to weekly gatherings under the subject-line, "Upholding the Dignity of the Human Person." Weekly, teachings were offered by leaders and teachers of all major faiths, highlighting the value of the human person as an ideal that must be maintained, even at times of war and even following the events of October 7th. These teachings were followed by prayers, suitable to the context, and more broadly with the hope for eventual peace. After half a year of learning and praying, we created this short video compilation.

Protesters hold signs calling for the release of hostages

Na stronie od 2024-09-08

05/09/2024 r.

Featured Post Crush Hamas or free hostages? I choose the hostages

When the immediacy of the horrors of October 7 begins to fade, the trauma that will linger in the Israeli psyche is the shattering of two core assumptions about our country.
The first was the belief that we know how to defend ourselves and project deterrence in a hostile region. But on October 7, the weakest of our enemies delivered the most devastating blow in our history, sending a message of unprecedented vulnerability to our enemies.

Jewish Resilience and Vulnerability After Oct. 7

Na stronie od 2024-09-05

08/09/2024 r.

Hear Yossi Klein Halevi on Jewish resilience and vulnerability after Oct. 7

Since the Hamas massacre and the Gaza war, Jews have been caught in a loop: condemned as victimizers even as they see themselves as the victims. Join Touro Talks host and Touro president, Dr. Alan Kadish, with guest best-selling author, Yossi Klein Halevi, as they talk about what it means to be a people that has regained power but is still under existential threat. How can Jews navigate power and vulnerability? And what needs to change in the Jewish psyche to help the community better cope with the threats facing the Jewish world today?

JCR - logo

Na stronie od 2024-09-04

04/09/2024 r.

JCRelations.net: September 2024 edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.

Israelis attend a rally calling for the release of Israelis held kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in Gaza outside the Defense Ministry Headquarters in Tel Aviv, Sept. 1, 2024. (Itai Ron/Flash90)

Na stronie od 2024-09-02

01/09/2024 r.

Israel is reeling from an unbearable tragedy. But does it change anything?

Minutes after the announcement that the bodies of six hostages had been found in the Gaza Strip, the main organization of hostage families announced that it would “stop” the country in protest.
On Sunday night, tens of thousands of people heeded that call. The country’s main labor federation called a general strike, shuttering businesses and schools nationwide.

Elijah Summer School - logo

Na stronie od 2024-09-01

01/09/2024 r.

Human Life, Purpose and Dignity

The learning was so rich, and we explored it from so many angles, that when it came to the summer school, we decided to build on the strong basis which we had created. It may have been impossible to invite students to Jerusalem to study, but we had become adept at learning online – and we had the topic ready. We explored the meaning of being a human person and the fullness of being human, under the heading, “Human Life, Purpose and Dignity.”

Tragedia 7 października 2023

Na stronie od 2024-06-26

23/06/2024 r.

Tragedia 7 października 2023

Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej prezentuje współczesną kulturę żydowską i wszystko to, co w niej ważne i współczesne. Dla Izraelczyków tragedia 7 października jest momentem przełomowym i ogromną traumą. Jednocześnie dla wielu artystów stał się punktem odniesienia w ich twórczości.

33. Festiwalu Kultury Żydowskiej w Krakowie - plakat

Na stronie od 2024-06-23

23/06/2024 r.

33. Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej w Krakowie!

Niedziela, 23. czerwca 2024, godz. 20.00
Koncert inauguracyjny Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephram feat. Cracow Golden Quintet
"93 wydarzenia – tyle dokładnie przygotowaliśmy dla Was na właśnie rozpoczynający się 33. FKŻ. Dodatkowe 79 – to wydarzenia towarzyszące, zorganizowane przez naszych przyjaciół: JCC Krakow, Muzeum Żydowskiego Galicja oraz Or Hadash. Zadbaliśmy o to, abyście przez cały pierwszy tydzień wakacji: od dzisiaj do kolejnej niedzieli byli zajęci poznawaniem współczesnej kultury żydowskiej."
"Tegoroczną edycją rozpoczynamy też nowy cykl festiwalowy, poświęcony różnym obliczom żydowskiej duchowości i mistycyzmu, ich wpływowi na kształtowanie się cywilizacji żydowskiej i zróżnicowanych społeczności całej Diaspory i Izraela."

Modlitwa trzech religii abrahamowych o pokój między Izraelem a Palestyną

Na stronie od 2024-06-21

21/06/2024 r.

Modlitwa trzech religii abrahamowych o pokój między Izraelem a Palestyną

21 czerwca o godz. 17 rozpocznie się modlitwa przedstawicieli trzech religii abrahamowych o pokój między Izraelem a Palestyną. Transmisja na stronie FB stowarzyszenia Pacjent Europa.
Modlitwy o pokój na Bliskim Wschodzie poprowadzą: Imam Ibrahim Mogra z UK, Rabin Charles Feinberg z USA oraz ojciec Jacek Siepsiak, jezuita.

Elijah Interfaith Institute, Praying Together in Jerusalem

Na stronie od 2024-06-20

20/06/2024 r.

"Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity"

Elijah Interfaith Institute: PTIJ and FAFI invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, focusing on: Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity
Thursday 20th June at 6:00 pm Jerusalem time on Zoom, for our gathering of learning and prayers, exploring the topic: "Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity".
Dr William Vendley will introduce us to the important contribution of Buddhist teacher, Reverend Nichiko Niwano.

Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated

Na stronie od 2024-06-11

11/06/2024 r.

Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated

Both sides need an Israel Victory to break with the static pull of outdated mentalities. For Israel, it means acceptance, especially among Muslims and on the global Left. For the Palestinians, Israel Victory means liberation from a destructive obsession, enabling them finally to build a polity, economy, society, and culture worthy of their skills and ambitions.