Wspólna modlitwa

Ukraine flagg

Na stronie od 2022-03-23

24/10/2024 r.

We Embrace Ukraine

In view of the human tragedy developing in Ukraine, the Executive Board of ICCJ wishes to share the following message with member organizations and friends:

Ekumeniczna modlitwa o pokój dla Ukrainy

Na stronie od 2022-03-03

03/03/2022 r.

Ekumeniczna Modlitwa o Pokój - Екуменічна молитва за мир

W tym trudnym czasie chcemy połączyć się w modlitwie o pokój w solidarności z naszymi braćmi i siostrami z Ukrainy.
В цей важкий час ми хочемо об'єднатися у молитві за мир в солідарності з нашими братами і сестрами з України.

Praying Together in Jerusalem

Na stronie od 2022-03-03

03/03/2022 r.

Praying Together in Jerusalem - War and Peace

We are watching a war unfold between Russia and Ukraine and feel helpless to prevent it. It is time to ask what our religions have to say about whether and when war is permissible and to hear the wisdom of religions on how peace can be brought about.

Modlitwa o pokój w Ukrainie

Na stronie od 2022-02-24

24/02/2022 r.

Apel Biskupa Kościoła

Biskup Kościoła ks. Jerzy Samiec skierował apel z prośbą o modlitwę i wsparcie dla mieszkańców Ukrainy.

The Elijah Interfaith Institute

Na stronie od 2022-02-16

16/02/2022 r.

"Prayer of the Moment". We would like to draw the focus of our community to the Ukraine/Russia crisis

Holding the vision of a united humanity, united facing God, across all its religious differences, we recognize this is a moment of global urgency, one that calls for prayer. Building on Elijah's "praying together" meetings, we would like to draw the focus of our community to the Ukraine/Russia crisis, that presently is the focus of global attention. The only thing we can do as the Elijah community is pray, and pray together.

The Elijah Interfaith  Institute - logo

Na stronie od 2022-01-28

03/02/2022 r.

Praying Together in Jerusalem

Followed by prayers from Jerusalem, including special prayers for peace for Ukraine.

Praying Together in Jerusalem - Festival of Lights

Na stronie od 2021-11-24

02/12/2021 r.

Praying Together in Jerusalem - Festival of Lights

Join us for a special gathering of Praying Together in Jerusalem: Christians, Muslims and Jews will gather at the Fuchsberg Center, Rechov Agron 8, Jerusalem for shared learning, prayers, candle-lighting and celebrations.
Teachers will include Rabbi Joel Levy, Reverend Richard Sewell, and Mohammed Said Abraham As'ad, with music by Hanna Yaffe.