Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

Jewish-Christian Relations


JCRelations.net: May edition online

Highlights: - English - Pavol Bargár: The Religious (Jewish) Other in Christianity: Some Theological Considerations. Article
- English - John E. Phelan: The Cruelty of Supersessionism: The Case of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Article
- German - Pavol Bargár: Der religiöse (jüdische) Andere im Christentum: Einige theologische Überlegungen. Artikel
- German - Wilhelm Schwendemann: Elie Wiesel "Die Nacht" in neuer Übersetzung.. Rezension
- French - Conférence des évêques catholiques australiens (ACBC): Marcher ensemble: Catholiques et Juifs en contexte australien. Déclarations
- Spanish - CCJR: Un examen de conciencia nacional: Un llamamiento a las Iglesias de los Estados Unidos para enfrentar la crisis del antisemitismo.. Declaraciones
- Russian - - Галина Зеленина: О ноцрим. Статьи

Liliane Apotheker


ICCJ President's Greetings for Pesach and Easter 2023

This year again Passover and Easter are almost concomitant. That means that we can celebrate the gift of our feasts at the same time, rejoicing for ourselves and for others.
So, what will this year’s matza taste like? What “affliction“ will it designate? What freedom will we long for? The Hebrew word “Taam” connotates both taste and meaning.

Jewish-Christian Relation


March 2023: new articles are available on JCRelations.net

- English - Răzvan Perșa: The Image of Jews According to the Canonical Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Article
- English - Peter Zaas: Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity. Book review
- German - Rainer Kampling: „Kommt und lasst uns hinaufziehen zum Berg des HERRN“ (Mi 4,2).. Artikel
- German - Hans Förster: Judenfeindlich – bis heute.. Artikel
- French - Irwin Cotler: Pour combattre l’antisémitisme, nous devons d’abord nous entendre sur une définition. Contributions d’experts
- Spanish - - International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultation: Comunicado de la 11ª Consulta Académica entre el Judaísmo y el Cristianismo Ortodoxo. Noticias
- Russian - Сергей Ряховский: Библейский взгляд на антисемитизм. Статьи

Boston Conference 2023 - logo


ICCJ Appointed the Chairs of its 2023 Conference in Boston

The Boston conference on the theme "Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations" is organized in collaboration with the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership, Hebrew College, the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College, and the Council of Centers on Jewish Christian Relations (CCJR) and will be co-chaired by Prof. Dr Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski (Boston College) and Rabbi Or Rose (Hebrew College).



The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels

Ervin Budiselić. In the first part of the paper, we will address certain theological and historical reasons for the exclusion of the Jewishness of Jesus from both Judaism and Christianity. In the second part, we will discuss the importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for understanding the worldview context of the biblical authors. In the last part, as a case study, we will demonstrate through the interpretation of Matthew 16,13‑20 (the issue of »the rock«) and Luke 11,1‑4 (the Lord’s Prayer) through »Jewish eyes« that we can gain a different and even better interpretation of these two texts that better fit the context of the biblical writers.

ICCJ, Jewish-Christian Relation - logo


New articles are available on JCRelations.net: February 2023 edition online

Among others:
- Harry J. Sinnaghel: ‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’. A Theological Reflection on Exodus 24:11.Article
- International Jewish Committee: Communique of the 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity Report
- Norbert Reck: Anders als wir dachten. Was das Judesein Jesu für den christlichen Glauben bedeuten kann. Artikel
- Bischof Manfred Scheuer: Judentum und Jüdisches in unseren Kirchen entdecken. Artikel
- Adele Reinhartz: «Enfants du diable»: Jean 8,44 et ses premières réceptions. Articles
- Organisation des Nations Unies: Commémoration de l’Holocauste. Comptes-rendus