Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

ICCJ President's Greetings for 2021


ICCJ President's Greetings for 2021

Leaving the year 2020 will be a relief to many! What the first year of the new decennium did offer us was something unexpected; still, something which shouldn’t totally surprised us. Viruses come and go. The Covid-19 is contagious and fatal. It very soon spread around the globe and became a pandemic in the full meaning of the word.

Enabling Dialogue about the Land. Enabling Dialogue about the Land


Enabling Dialogue about the Land

Enabling Dialogue About the Land comprises essays from 16 contributing scholars who engaged for several years in the “Promise, Land, and Hope” research project of the International Council for Christians and Jews (ICCJ), headquartered in Heppenheim, Germany.

Bo Sandahl; ICCJ President


ICCJ President's Greetings for Chanukkah and Christmas

I recently saw a greeting saying “Happy Chanumas”. It could be that this is a play on words from someone who wants to greet his or her Jewish and Christian friends at the same time. But it could as well be interpreted as a way of harmonizing or making a mixture of the two faith traditions’ holidays.

Light and Darkness: Our Festivals and Our Times


Light and Darkness: Our Festivals and Our Times

As a contribution to this year's Chanukkah and Christmas celebrations all around the world ICCJ's Theology Committee offers an one-hour video seminar on "Light and Darkness: Our Festivals and Our Times"

Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) logo


American Antisemitism in Historical Perspective

ICCJ's member organization in the United States, the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR), is going to hold a webinar on American antisemitism on October 25, 2020, at 7 p.m. UTC (3 p.m. EDT USA)

ICCJ Offices Martin Buber House Heppenheim


Jewish-Christian Relations.net: October edition online

The ICCJ serves as the umbrella organization of 40 national Jewish-Christian dialogue organizations world-wide. The ICCJ member organizations world-wide over the past five decades have been successfully engaged in the historic renewal of Jewish-Christian relations.

Rosz ha-Szana 5781- życzenia


Rosz ha-Szana 5781- życzenia

Wszystkim znajomym, dla których zaczyna się rok 5781 życzymy dobrego, słodkiego i zdrowego roku.
Holiday greeting from the ICCJ President Rev. Dr Bo Sandahl.
Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein would like to greet all friends of Elijah for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year:



Pilgrimage and Spirituality

On October 6, 1 p.m. UTC ICCJ's International Abrahamic Forum is going to offer a workshop entitled "Where There is a Will, There is a Way: A Conversation on Pilgrimage and Spirituality". Registration for participants is open!