Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów ICCJ

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Na stronie od 2024-07-05

26/06/2024 r.

Konferencja Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) Salzburg 2025 (Raport)

W tym roku konferencja Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) miała miejsce w Salzburgu w Austrii. Spotkanie odbyło się w dniach 23-26 czerwca 2024 roku i było poświęcona tematyce świętości w nawiązaniu do tekstu z Księgi Wajikra/ Kapłańska 19, 2: „Świętymi bądźcie, bo Ja, Pan, wasz Bóg, jestem święty”.
Podczas otwarcia konferencji, trzeci rok z rzędu wręczono Nagrodę Seelisberg, której laureatem w 2025 roku został prof. Edward Kessler MBE, założyciel The Wolff Institute w Cambridge

iccj offices

Na stronie od 2024-06-03

17/07/2024 r.

Conference News 2024

Registration Form "2024 ICCJ Conference" Salzburg, Sunday, June 23 – Wednesday, June 26, 2024 Deadline for registration: June 7, 2024


Na stronie od 2024-05-12

23/06/2024 r.

Edward Kessler to be Awarded 2024 SEELISBERG PRIZE

The SEELISBERG PRIZE is awarded annually (since 2022) by the International Council of Christians and Jews (which originated out of the Seelisberg conference) and the Center for Intercultural Theology and Religions at the University of Salzburg.
It honours individuals who have played major roles through their scholarship and teaching in advancing the rapprochement between Jews and Christians.

Megaphone - picture : Pixabay / Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke

Na stronie od 2024-01-26

29/02/2024 r.

Call for Workshop Proposals: ICCJ Conference 2024

The ICCJ invites proposals for workshops for its 2024 annual conference to be held in Salzburg/Austria, June 23-26 on the topic "'Be holy, because I, the Lord, Your God, am holy.' (Wajikra / Leviticus 19:2) - Holiness: Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?"

ICCJ conference 2024

Na stronie od 2024-01-26

23/06/2024 r.

ICCJ 2024 Conference in Salzburg / Austria

Preparations for ICCJ's 2024 annual conference to be held in Salzburg/Austria, June 23-26, are under way. The theme of the conference is "'Be holy, because I, the Lord, your God, am holy.' (Wajikra / Leviticus 19:2) - Holiness: Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?"

20 Workshops in 4 Sessions

Na stronie od 2023-05-28

23/05/2023 r.

ICCJ Conference News: 20 Workshops in 4 Sessions

Together with four plenary sessions, a gathering at the Howard Thurman Center, field trips to local sites in Boston, there will be a total of 20 workshops in four workshop sessions, which will address a wide range of themes related to the conference theme, Jewish-Christian relations, and interreligious dialogue in general.

Boston Conference 2023 - logo

Na stronie od 2023-02-26

26/02/2023 r.

ICCJ Appointed the Chairs of its 2023 Conference in Boston

The Boston conference on the theme "Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations" is organized in collaboration with the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership, Hebrew College, the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College, and the Council of Centers on Jewish Christian Relations (CCJR) and will be co-chaired by Prof. Dr Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski (Boston College) and Rabbi Or Rose (Hebrew College).