The Cardinal in the Synagogue


Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute

About Elijah Interfaith
The spirit of Elijah is wisdom, inspiration, friendship and hope across religious traditions. Elijah deepens understanding among religions. Elijah’s mission is to foster unity in diversity, creating a harmonious world. Elijah’s message: The world’s great religions radiate wisdom that can heal the world. Deep level spiritual conversation across interreligious lines enriches our inner lives, enhances our prayer and opens our hearts. Discover unity and embrace diversity. We are many and we are one.

Assisi Global House of Friendship and Hope Again in the News

We were delighted to have received recently further coverage of our Assisi House of Friendship and Hope from Eternal World Television Network. The occasion was a visit to the Rome Synagogue by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa. Cardinal Cantalamessa is the Papal Household Preacher. He has been preaching to successive popes for decades, in preparation for Christmas and Easter. He is one of the most important, and representative, voices in the Catholic Church. Cardinal Cantalamessa and Rabbi Alon have been good friends for many many years, and the Cardinal, himself a Franciscan monk, is a great supporter of the vision of the Assisi Global House. Cardinal Cantalamessa came to the Rome Synagogue in order to hold a dialogue with Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein concerning the Assisi project. Also featured in the news report is Rabbi Ricardo Di Segni, Chief Rabbi of Rome. The news clip also features Pope Francis’ letter of support for the project.

Bridging Faiths: Cardinal Cantalamessa and Rabbi Goshen-Gottstein's Dialogue at Roman Synagogue

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa and Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein discuss the power of interfaith dialogue at Rome's historic synagogue. Explore their insights on spirituality, the influence of Saint Francis of Assisi, and their collaborative project in Assisi. This event underscores the strengthening ties between Judaism and Catholicism, emphasizing shared values and mutual respect.

Cardinal Cantalamessa in Dialogue with Rabbi Alon

We are happy to share with our readers the full conversation between Cardinal Cantalamessa and Rabbi Alon. Enjoy their conversation on Saint Francis, Interreligious Dialogue, the legacy of Pope John Paul II and the Cardinal’s support for the Global House of Friendship and Hope.