Alon Goshen Gottstein


Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein - Człowiek Pojednania za rok 2009 Laudacja Laudację na cześć Rabina Alona Goshen Gottsteina wygłosił Ks. Wiesław Dawidowski Dostojny Laureacie, Panie Rabinie Alonie Goshen G...

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To our fathers in the faith: you are not alone! 

Wpis: 2024-05-03 21:09:37

Since October 7, in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks and hostage-taking, and the subsequent military operations in Gaza, we have witnessed a chain of violence that has placed the entire Middle East at the heart of a devastating cyclone. The e...

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Peta Pellach and Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein: Present Situation in Israel/Gaza

Wpis: 2023-12-03 23:13:32

Both Peta and Alon have contributed to reflections on the war through their respective blogs on Times of Israel. As promised during our most recent weekly meeting, here are relevant links. Written shortly after the breakout of war, this post conside...

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein - "Everything is cast into question, as a result of recent events."

Wpis: 2023-11-10 09:12:55

With great trepidation I offer what I think is the first attempt to open up what should be an ongoing conversation regarding the religious meaning and response to the horrors we are experiencing.

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein: When Jews spit in contempt, it is likely a symptom of deeper ills, especially ignorance and a refusal to learn about the other

Wpis: 2023-11-10 11:53:29

Alon Goshen-Gottstein is the founder and director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute. He is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading figures in interreligious dialogue, specializing in bridging the theological and academic dimension with a variety...

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein : Jews, Christians and Anti-Semitism - Querying Polish Reality

Wpis: 2019-05-21 16:13:02

...e burdensome questions in his own voice. His blog post in response to this invitation will be featured soon. Stay tuned." Alon Goshen-Gottstein Blog...

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Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein Człowiekiem Pojednania za rok 2009

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:41:46

Rabin Alon Goshen-Gottstein przyjął od Polskiej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów tytuł „Człowiek Pojednania” za rok 2009 podczas centralnych obchodów XIII Dnia Judaizmu w Kościele katolickim w Polsce. Uroczystość miała miejsce 17 stycznia 20101 roku w auli...

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March of Prayer along the Route of the Warsaw Ghetto Monuments - 2009

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:42:57

...ews gathered about a hundred of inhabitants of Warsaw, as well as guests from beyond the capital, to march and pray together along the route of the Warsaw Ghetto monuments....

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein: Hanukkah, Christmas and the light of the Messiah

Wpis: 2019-12-28 09:54:50

A Hasidic teaching offers a way to see the two holidays as sharing more than winter timing and crass commercialization

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Coronaspection: World Religious Leaders Reflect on COVID-19 by Alon Goshen-Gottstein.

Wpis: 2020-08-28 15:24:40

Elijah is happy to announce the release by Cascade Books of Coronaspection: World Religious Leaders Reflect on COVID-19 by Alon Goshen-Gottstein. You have been following the Coronaspection project over the past few months. We have had hundreds of th...

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