Na stronie od 2020-06-22
25/06/2020 r.
...Istotą tego zjawiska, przez teologów wszystkich monoteistycznych religii nazwanego bluźnierstwem, jest instrumentalne posługiwanie się Bogiem w celu dokonania zła.
Na stronie od 2020-06-22
25/06/2020 r.
...Istotą tego zjawiska, przez teologów wszystkich monoteistycznych religii nazwanego bluźnierstwem, jest instrumentalne posługiwanie się Bogiem w celu dokonania zła.
Na stronie od 2020-06-22
21/06/2020 r.
Lectur about the war, occupation, and Holocaust in Poland
Na stronie od 2020-06-22
22/06/2020 r.
Together, we set out to answer seven questions. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.)
Na stronie od 2020-06-19
19/06/2020 r.
When I chose to feature the three interviews listed above as one Introspection, this was based on a clear sense of the complementarity of the spiritual worldview of the three contributors. Religious worldviews are diverse. Even if fundamental beliefs unite almost all believers across religious differences, still, there are many ways of being religious. The three voices featured in this Introspection feel to me, and I am sure would also feel the same to the speakers themselves, as growing out of the same spiritual matrix. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.)
Na stronie od 2020-06-17
17/06/2020 r.
Together, we set out to answer seven questions - Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.
Na stronie od 2020-06-15
28/06/2020 r.
On June 28, 6 p.m. UTC the ICCJ is going to hold a webinar that will explore the possibilities and pitfalls of online interreligious dialogue. Registration for participants is open!
Na stronie od 2020-06-14
14/06/2020 r.
Alon Goshen-Gottstein: There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. Together, we set out to answer seven questions:
Na stronie od 2020-06-13
12/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.)
Na stronie od 2020-06-10
05/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israe)
Na stronie od 2020-06-10
01/06/2020 r.
There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel)