Spotkania on-line

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Na stronie od 2024-03-01

06/03/2024 r.

IPJS event series: ‘Ukrainian-Jewish Perspectives’. Bruno Schulz

Bruno Schulz is one of Europe’s greatest modernist prose writers, but he is also a cultural figure deeply embedded in the cultural context from which he emerged. He lived almost his entire life in Drohobych, a small town that is today in western Ukraine but was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when Schulz was born and in Poland when he became a writer.

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Na stronie od 2024-02-29

29/02/2024 r.

The Dignity of the Human Person: From Ideal to Realisation

Thursday 29th February at 5:00 pm Jerusalem time.
Rabbi Art Green in conversation with Peta Jones Pellach.
- Rabbi Art Green is an American scholar of Jewish mysticism and Neo-Hasidic theologian. He was a founding dean of the non-denominational rabbinical program at Hebrew College in Boston.
- Rabbi Art Green (Jewish, USA) Followed by responses and prayers.

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Na stronie od 2024-02-29

29/02/2024 r.

The Global House of Friendship and Hope

In this age, when friendships across faiths and nations are lacking in much of the globe and interfaith movements are characterized by outward reaching action, the Global House of Friendship and Hope will go to the core of the spiritual life and the life of prayer of faith traditions.

Na ilustracji: grafika z Sefer erwonot, XVIII w., zbiory ŻIH

Na stronie od 2024-02-23

29/02/2024 r.

O kalendarzu żydowskim

Czwartek na Tłomackiem 29 lutego 2024! W spotkaniu wezmą udział rabin Stas Wojciechowicz i dr Paweł Fijałkowski
Ostatni lutowy Czwartek na Tłomackiem odbędzie się w szczególny dzień – w końcu 29 lutego zdarza się tylko raz na cztery lata. Ponadto w kalendarzu żydowskim trwa właśnie miesiąc Adar, a niecałe dwa tygodnie później rozpocznie się Adar Szeni (hebr. drugi Adar), zwany też Adarem Bet – miesiąc przestępny, który przypada siedem razy w czasie dziewiętnastoletniego cyklu. To oznacza, że w trwającym właśnie roku 5784 jest trzynaście, a nie dwanaście miesięcy.

Promocja książki «Serce Tory. Tom 2»

Na stronie od 2024-02-18

22/02/2024 r.

Promocja książki «Serce Tory. Tom 2»

Held odnosi mądrość Tory do sytuacji współczesnego człowieka, zapraszając do głębokiej refleksji nad własnym życiem oraz sposobem, w jaki postrzegamy i traktujemy siebie oraz innych. Dogłębnie analizuje Talmud i midrasze, odwołuje się do wielkich pisarzy literatury światowej, a także do myślicieli innych religii, aby znaleźć odpowiedzi na fundamentalne pytania – o Boga, naturę ludzką i o to, co znaczy być osobą religijną we współczesnym świecie.

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Na stronie od 2024-02-14

22/02/2024 r.

Special Briefing w/ Elliott Abrams on "The Two-State Delusion & Israel at War"

Why is the Biden Administration pushing this dangerous idea? What does the effort to revive the two-state solution tell us about the state of the U.S.-Israel relationship? How are Israel and America thinking about the escalation on Israel's northern border and the risk of more violence in Judea and Samaria? And how does all of this relate to the Iranian threat, and President Biden's failed strategy to contain the Islamic Republic and its proxies?

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Na stronie od 2024-02-01

14/02/2024 r.

Joint Perspectives: A German-Israeli Summit

The Jerusalem Post and the leading German newspaper, Die Welt, will host "Joint Perspectives: A German-Israeli Summit" on February 14 in Berlin. Ministers, political and thought-leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators will discuss current events in and around the Middle East, as well as rising antisemitism and the need for collaboration.

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Na stronie od 2024-01-26

30/01/2024 r.

IPJS - Exploring a Jewish Community in Ukraine today: the case of Odessa

Based on nearly two decades of research in Odesa, Ukraine and her current research with Ukrainian Jewish refugees in Germany and other parts of Europe, Dr. Marina Sapritsky-Nahum will be discussing the current developments of Ukrainian Jewry home and abroad. The 2022 full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a great effect on Jewish life in Ukraine. This talk will address the ways Ukrainian Jewish communities have been altered and fragmented and the creative and inspiring responses of members and leadership amid challenging conditions of war and refuge.