Talking to Teens About Operation Iron Swords
11/10/2023 | Na stronie od 11/10/2023

Dzisiaj o 18:00 (czasu polskiego) odbędzie się godzinne seminarium na temat jak rozmawiać z nastolatkami o operacji Żelazne Miecze w Izraelu poprowadzony przez edukatorów z The Jewish Education Project. W języku angielskim.
Webinar jest przygotowany z myślą w szczególności o żydowskich edukatora , ale każdy (np. rodzice nastolatków ) może wziąć udział. W języku angielskim.
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As the crisis in Israel continues to unfold, The Jewish Education Project recognizes that our teens and tweens are experiencing complex, ever-changing emotions as this reality sets in.
They are seeing horrors on social media - and may be feeling the silence of their peers. They may be worried about Israeli friends and family, or may be confused as to why, and how this is happening.
As educators, we are asked to support and guide our teen learners against this backdrop, and as such, we need our own support. Join The Jewish Education Project's Dr. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath and Sarah Gordon of OpenDor Media for a conversation on best practices for working with teens at this unprecedented time.
For Parents: A webinar for parents of teens will be coming soon on Truvie, our family and parent education platform.
Looking for resources? Click here for our evolving collection.