New articles are available on, September edition online
05/09/2022 | Na stronie od 05/09/2022

Source: ICCJ, Martin-Buber-House, Heppenheim, September 5, 2022
This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
This site is owned and maintained by the International Council of Christians and Jews, which has 38 Christian-Jewish and interreligious member organizations in 32 countries. Its headquarters is in the Martin Buber House in Heppenheim, Germany, where the great Jewish thinker lived until Nazi persecution forced him to flee.
The views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent the views of the ICCJ, its Executive Board, or its national member organizations.
September edition online
- English - Barbara U. Meyer: Not Just the Time of the Other. What Does It Mean for Christians Today to Remember Shabbat and Keep It Holy?. Article
- English - Ron Kronish: Buber’s wisdom applied to the weekly Torah portions. Book review
- German - Bischof Felix Gmür: Jesus, der Jude. Artikel
- French - Etienne Vetö: Am Yisrael et Eretz Yisrael: pourquoi Dieu promet-il une terre? Articles
- Spanish - JCR: Nuevo recurso didáctico en el sitio web de Dialogika. Noticias
- Russian - Георгий Прохоров: «Книга Кагала» выкреста Якова Брафмана. Почему еврей боится еврейства?. Статьи
English articles:
- Barbara U. Meyer: Not Just the Time of the Other. What Does It Mean for Christians Today to Remember Shabbat and Keep It Holy? Article
- Martín de Salterain Samudio: 75 Years after Seelisberg - Address from the Churches. Article
- Katharina von Kellenbach: 75 Years after Seelisberg - Defining Antisemitism. Article
- Michael Czerny SJ: Edith Stein, a woman of truth and love. Report
- Ron Kronish: Buber’s wisdom applied to the weekly Torah portions. Book review
German articles:
- Bischof Felix Gmür: Jesus, der Jude. Artikel
- JCR: Hubert Wolf im Interview über die Veröffentlichung tausender Dokumente zu Bittgesuchen jüdischer Menschen an den Papst im Zweiten Weltkrieg durch den Vatikan. Bericht
- Deutscher Koordinierungsrat: Die "Wittenberger Kirchensau". Zum Umgang mit antisemitischen Bildern in Kunst und Kirchen. Bericht
- Deutscher Koordinierungsrat: Trauer um Prof. Dr. Peter von der Osten-Sacken: Pfadfinder des jüdisch-christlichen Dialogs. Bericht
- Eva Wenig: Interreligiöses Lernen im Lehramtsstudium der Katholischen Theologie. Rezension
French articles:
- Etienne Vetö: Am Yisrael et Eretz Yisrael: pourquoi Dieu promet-il une terre? Articles
- Paul Richard Gallagher: Publication en ligne de la série «Juifs» des Archives de la Secrétairerie d’État. Comptes-rendus
- Liliane Apotheker, présidente de l’ICCJ: L’ICCJ réunit ses pays membres à Frankfort (26-30 juin 2022). Comptes-rendus
Spanish article:
Russian article:
- Георгий Прохоров: «Книга Кагала» выкреста Якова Брафмана. Почему еврей боится еврейства?