Oświadczenie izraelskich przedstawicieli AJC, rabina Rosena i E Lermana, krytykujące wypowiedz rabiana Melameda
23/04/2009 | Na stronie od 23/04/2009

April 23, 2009
H.E. Agnieszka Magdziak – Miszewska
Ambassador of Poland to Israel
16, Soutine St.
64684 Tel-Aviv
Your Excellency,
On behalf of the American Jewish Committee we wish to convey to you our distress and anger over the disreputable comments by Rabbi Zalman Melamed (echoing the deplorable comments made some months ago by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner) that insult Poland and are an embarrassment to the Jewish People and the State of Israel. While the pain of past historical experience is profound and requires an extra measure of tolerance, the defamation of the Polish people as a whole, especially today, is totally intolerable and unacceptable.
Aside from Poland's admirable modern democratic civil society, we are grateful for its close relationship with the State of Israel and especially appreciative of the principled stand Poland took a few days ago in the wake of the outrageous hijack of the Durban II conference.
We assure you that the views of Melamed and Aviner do not represent the vast majority of Israelis let alone of the Jewish People, and we reiterate our desire to continue to advance the new and excellent relationships between our peoples.
Rabbi David Rosen
Dr Eran Lerman