Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

Jewish-Christian Relations


December 2022: new articles are available on JCRelations.net


  • English - Adele Reinhartz: “Children of the Devil”: John 8:44 and its Early Reception. Article
  • German - Jens-Christian Maschmeier: Erwählung und Errettung Israels in Röm 9-11. Artikel
  • French - Église Évangélique Luthérienne d’Amérique: «Prêcher et enseigner avec amour et respect pour le peuple juif».. Déclarations
  • Spanish - - Gerardo José Söding: 84° Aniversario del Pogrom de 1938 - La “Noche de los Cristales Rotos”. Articulos
  • Russian - Игорь Ковалевский: Иудео-христианский диалог в Католической церкви.. Статьи
  • Seelisberg - conference venue 1947


    Special Edition "Seelisberg@75", No.10

    To mark the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference and ICCJ's foundation, special editions of the ICCJ newsletter will be sent out every two weeks till the 5th of August each with a pair of short essays reflecting "Seelisberg".
    A regularly updated ICCJ website offers the collection of the "Seelisberg Reflections", pictures, videos, documents, and more ...
    The reflections have been submitted by a diverse group of authors, including theologians, clergy, academics and dialogue activists representing different regions of the world, religious affiliations, genders and ages. Their diversity mirrors the character of the ICCJ and its member organizations.

    Seelisberg - conference venue 1947


    Special Edition "Seelisberg@75", No.9

    To mark the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference and ICCJ's foundation, special editions of the ICCJ newsletter will be sent out every two weeks till the 5th of August each with a pair of short essays reflecting "Seelisberg".
    A regularly updated ICCJ website offers the collection of the "Seelisberg Reflections", pictures, videos, documents, and more ...
    The reflections have been submitted by a diverse group of authors, including theologians, clergy, academics and dialogue activists representing different regions of the world, religious affiliations, genders and ages. Their diversity mirrors the character of the ICCJ and its member organizations.

    Forum Dialogu - fragment logo


    Zuzanna Radzik na spotkaniu International Council of Christians and Jews

    Najważniejszym wydarzeniem tegorocznej edycji jest pierwsza w historii uroczystość wręczenia Nagrody Seelisberg, którą uhonorowana została prof. Amy-Jill Levine w uznaniu roli, jaką jej badania nad Nowym Testamentem odegrały w budowie nowych, wzajemnie wzbogacających relacji między judaizmem a chrześcijaństwem.

    ICCJ offices Martin Buber House Heppenheim


    New articles are available on JCRelations.net: July edition online


  • English - David M. Neuhaus: Where to from Here? Continuing Challenges in Jewish–Catholic Conversation. Article
  • Englisch - Sarit Kattan Gribetz: Soloveitchik and St. Paul: A Commentary on the Hebrew Gospels. Book review
  • German - Christian Wiese: Unterwegs zu einer historisch fundierten, theologisch achtsamen Dialogizität. Artikel
  • Spanish - Christophe Lafontaine: Árabes israelíes en Auschwitz por la Marcha de los Vivos. Noticias
  • Russian - Евгений Беличков: Православие и антисемитизм. Искушение времён модерна. Статьи

  • Seelisberg - conference venue 1947


    Special Edition "Seelisberg@75", No.8

    To mark the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference and ICCJ's foundation, special editions of the ICCJ newsletter will be sent out every two weeks till the 5th of August each with a pair of short essays reflecting "Seelisberg".
    A regularly updated ICCJ website offers the collection of the "Seelisberg Reflections", pictures, videos, documents, and more ...
    The reflections have been submitted by a diverse group of authors, including theologians, clergy, academics and dialogue activists representing different regions of the world, religious affiliations, genders and ages. Their diversity mirrors the character of the ICCJ and its member organizations.

    Seelisberg proze - fragment logo


    Prof. Amy-Jill Levine to be awarded first “Seelisberg Prize”

    June 23. 2022. On Sunday, June 26, 2022, the widely praised New Testament scholar, Prof. Amy-Jill Levine, will be awarded the first ever Seelisberg Prize for the major role her scholarship and teaching over several decades has played in building a new and mutually enriching relationship between Jews and Christians.

    Seelisberg - conference venue 1947


    Special Edition "Seelisberg@75", No.7

    To mark the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference and ICCJ's foundation, special editions of the ICCJ newsletter will be sent out every two weeks till the 5th of August each with a pair of short essays reflecting "Seelisberg".
    The reflections have been submitted by a diverse group of authors, including theologians, clergy, academics and dialogue activists representing different regions of the world, religious affiliations, genders and ages. Their diversity mirrors the character of the ICCJ and its member organizations.