New articles are available on January 2023 edition online
02/01/2023 | Na stronie od 03/01/2023

Source: ICCJ, JCRelations, Martin-Buber-House, Heppenheim, January 2, 2023
- English - Ervin Budiselić: The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels. Article
- English - Joseph Tulloch: Pope: May Jews and Christians continue to grow in friendship. Reports
- English - Allison P. Coudert: A Blessing to Each Other. A New Account of Jewish and Christian Relations. Book review
- German - Robert Jütte: Gesundheit im Judenum. Artikel
- German - Pro Oirente: Christlich-jüdisches Dialogforum tagte in Wien. Bericht
- German - Wilhelm Schwendemann: Wie das Christentum entstand. Rezension
- French - Amy-Jill Levine: Le supersessionnisme: l’admettre et s’en occuper plutôt que d’en débattre ou de le nier. Contributions d’experts
- Spanish - Séptimo Congreso de los Líderes de Religiones Mundiales y Tradicionales. Noticias
- Russian - Юрий Табак: Антисемитизм как объективная историческая закономерность. Статьи
English articles:
- Ervin Budiselić: The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels. Article
- Joseph Tulloch: Pope: May Jews and Christians continue to grow in friendship Report
- Anette Adelmann: ICCJ 2023 Conference: Negotiating Multiple Identities. Report
- Allison P. Coudert: A Blessing to Each Other. A New Account of Jewish and Christian Relations. Book reviews
- Pope Francis: Fraternal dialogue is the groundwork for peace. Statement
- Pope Francis:Address of His Holiness to Members of "Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France". Statement
- U.S. Bishops’ Committee: U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Emphasizes Recommitment to Relationship with Jewish Community. Statement
- Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR): A National Reckoning of the Soul. Statement
German articles:
- Robert Jütte:Gesundheit im Judentum. Artikel
- Pro Oriente: Christlich-jüdisches Dialogforum tagte in Wien. Artikel
- Vatican News: USA: Bischofskomission verurteilt Antisemitismus. Artikel
- Vatican News: Papst Franziskus lobt Dialog mit Judentum. Bericht
- Mario Galgano und Johan Pacheco: Argentinische Rabbiner schlagen „gemeinsame Ausbildung“ vor. Bericht
- Michael Krupp: Grab der Salome, der zweiten Hebamme bei der Geburt Jesu, entdeckt. Bericht
- Wilhelm Schwendemann: Wie das Christentum entstand. Rezension
French articles:
- Amy-Jill Levine: Le supersessionnisme: l’admettre et s’en occuper plutôt que d’en débattre ou de le nier. Articles
- Marine Henriot: L’amitié judéo-chrétienne, un ouvrage fragile «toujours à consolider». Comptes-rendus
- Conseil International des Chrétiens et des Juifs: «Négocier des identités multiples – Implications pour les relations interreligieuses». Comptes-rendus
Spanish articles:
- VII Congreso llamaron a los dirigentes mundiales:Séptimo Congreso de los Líderes de Religiones Mundiales y Tradicionales.
- Declaración final del VII Congreso de los Líderes de Religiones Mundiales y Tradicionales.