Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

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New articles are available on JCRelations.net: February 2023 edition online

Among others:
- Harry J. Sinnaghel: ‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’. A Theological Reflection on Exodus 24:11.Article
- International Jewish Committee: Communique of the 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity Report
- Norbert Reck: Anders als wir dachten. Was das Judesein Jesu für den christlichen Glauben bedeuten kann. Artikel
- Bischof Manfred Scheuer: Judentum und Jüdisches in unseren Kirchen entdecken. Artikel
- Adele Reinhartz: «Enfants du diable»: Jean 8,44 et ses premières réceptions. Articles
- Organisation des Nations Unies: Commémoration de l’Holocauste. Comptes-rendus

11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity


Communique of the 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity

The 11th Academic Consultation between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity took place December 4-6, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. The theme was “Jewish-Orthodox Christian Dialogue: Navigating Our Relations to the World and to Each Other.” The Consultation was co-sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC).

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‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’

The pericope of the theophany during a banquet from Exodus is an interesting text to discuss in relation to Jewish-Christian interaction. The banquets analysed here (the theophany during a banquet from Exodus, and the Last Supper) have different meanings and importance in both religions and have evolved liturgically in completely different ways.

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New articles are available on JCRelations.net: January 2023 edition online

- English - Ervin Budiselić: The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels. Article
- English - Joseph Tulloch: Pope: May Jews and Christians continue to grow in friendship. Reports
- English - Allison P. Coudert: A Blessing to Each Other. A New Account of Jewish and Christian Relations. Book review
- German - Robert Jütte: Gesundheit im Judenum. Artikel
- German - Pro Oirente: Christlich-jüdisches Dialogforum tagte in Wien. Bericht
- German - Wilhelm Schwendemann: Wie das Christentum entstand. Rezension
- French - Amy-Jill Levine: Le supersessionnisme: l’admettre et s’en occuper plutôt que d’en débattre ou de le nier. Contributions d’experts
- Spanish - Séptimo Congreso de los Líderes de Religiones Mundiales y Tradicionales. Noticias
- Russian - Юрий Табак: Антисемитизм как объективная историческая закономерность. Статьи

Boston - Open Street Map


ICCJ 2023 Conference: Negotiating Multiple Identities

Preparations for ICCJ's 2023 annual conference to be held in Boston/USA, June 18-21, are under way. The theme of the conference is "Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations"

Ogłoszenie - megafon


Call for Workshop Proposals: ICCJ Conference 2023

The ICCJ invites proposals for workshops for its 2023 annual conference to be held in Boston/USA, June 18-21 on the topic "Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations"

Papież: żydzi i chrześcijanie są braćmi, dziećmi jednego Ojca


Papież: Żydzi i chrześcijanie są braćmi, dziećmi jednego Ojca

Żydzi i chrześcijanie są braćmi, dziećmi jednego Ojca – przypomniał papież Franciszek podczas audiencji dla członków organizacji Przyjaźń Żydowsko-Chrześcijańska we Francji (AJCF) w 75. rocznicę jej powstania. Odwołuje się do międzynarodowej konferencji w sprawie zwalczania antysemityzmu, jaka obradowała od 20 lipca do 5 sierpnia 1947 roku w Seelisbergu w Szwajcarii z inicjatywy Międzynarodowej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów.