Co powiedziałby Marek Edelman w 79. rocznicę wybuchu powstania w getcie?

Wpis: 2022-04-19 16:36:15

Wędrujemy po śladach wytyczonej przez Niemców dzielnicy żydowskiej.

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ICCJ 2022 Online Conference

Wpis: 2022-04-29 22:38:21

In 2022, like the last year, the ICCJ annual conference is going to be held in a virtual mode. The dates are June 13th, 2022 and June 15th, 2022. The theme of the conference is “‘Stories We Live By’: Relating to the Self and Other.”

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Interreligious Faith Leaders, Offering Solidarity to a War-Touched Nation

Wpis: 2022-05-04 18:31:19

The First-Ever Delegation The Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders, in partnership with the Peace Department, led a delegation of leaders of the world’s major faiths to visit Ukraine. The visit, held on April 12th, was to Chernivtsi (formerly T...

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Letter to Patriarch Kirill Addressing the Situation in Ukraine (English)

Wpis: 2022-05-04 21:46:44

We, religious leaders representing many faith traditions, write to express our concern with the war taking place in Ukraine. We are mindful of our religious obligation to choose peace through dialogue. Our role is to pray for and support peaceful re...

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What Do Jews Say About Abortion?

Wpis: 2022-05-06 20:06:09

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and our partner sites at 70 Faces Media have answered this question many times over the years, a testament to its persistence in political life and its significance to American Jews.

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Pogrom krakowski od nowa: pierwsza i druga obrona Kazimierza (1919-1945)

Wpis: 2022-05-07 10:16:27

...ładzie: Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, Karolina Panz i Dagmara Swałtek-Niewińska. Udało się znacznie uszczegółowić obraz pogromu, ustalony przez pionierów tematu takich jak Anna Cichopek i Julian Kwiek. Dwutomowa monografia podsumowująca projekt ukaże się w...

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Rzeź Ormian – pierwsza w XX wieku zbrodnia ludobójstwa

Wpis: 2022-05-09 22:15:50

- W Konstantynopolu aresztowano kilkuset przedstawicieli inteligencji ormiańskiej: nauczycieli, lekarzy, kapłanów, których bez żadnego sądu zgładzono. Rozpoczęły się mordy w całym imperium tureckim – mówił ks. Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski, duszpaster...

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Wspólne seminarium Forum Dialogu i Jad Waszem o pamięci o Zagładzie

Wpis: 2022-05-14 11:27:36

Program koncentrował się na pamięci o Zagładzie we współczesnym Izraelu oraz 80. rocznicy Akcji Reinhardt.

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Wpis: 2022-05-17 09:58:46

Despite its suggestive power, the striking statement of Jesus that salvation is from the Jews is seldom encountered in the now voluminous literature on the Jewish-Christian dialogue. The reason may be that the exchange is entangled in another disput...

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Special Edition "Seelisberg@75", No.5

Wpis: 2022-05-19 20:03:43

When the Seelisberg Conference that is known largely for its “Ten Theses” and for the founding of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), took place from July 30 through August 5 in 1947, Europe was devastated by WW2 and all its hor...

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