Praying Together in Jerusalem: Holy Time

Wpis: 2022-11-17 21:05:57

Praying Together in Jerusalem is taking place this Thursday November 17 at 5:00 pm Jerusalem time and you are hereby invited to join us. We will be meeting in-person at St George's College, location link and also online via Zoom. We will learn...

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Praying Together in Jerusalem: Ramadan - Pesach - Easter

Wpis: 2023-03-24 22:04:16

Elijah Interfaith Institute Invitation - our March gathering will be in honour of the sacred season: for Jews, it is the eve of Pesach; for Christians, Easter is approaching; for Muslims, it will be Ramadan. We will be joining with Interfaith Encoun...

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Praying Together in Jerusalem: Faith & Hope

Wpis: 2023-05-30 18:41:40

Our next gathering will take place on Thursday, June 1st at 6:00 pm Jerusalem time You are invited to join us in-person at Shir Hadash, Yaakov Rubin St., Jerusalem or online on Zoom.

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Praying Together in Jerusalem in conjunction with Parliament of Religions

Wpis: 2023-06-28 20:34:12

We are delighted to announce our next session of Praying Together in Jerusalem in the form of a webinar, held in conjunction with the Parliament of Religions, in advance of the upcoming Parliament meeting in Chicago in August.

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Znaczące inicjatywy

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

"...zebraliśmy się by wspólnie czytać i rozważać natchnione słowo, bo Tora dla Żydów i chrześcijan jest Księgą Świętą i źródłem życia. Zakończył swoje słowo kierując naszą uwagę na rzeczywistego Autora radosnego spotkania: "Powodowała nami przyjaźń...

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Najważniejsze wydarzenia, okoliczności, kontekst i tło dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

W tym: Studium prehistorii: - Marek Nowak OP, Doświadczenie dialogu w Polsce. Studium prehistorii. Opublikowano w: Dialog u progu Auschwitz, t. I, pod red. Manfreda Deselaersa, UNUM, Centrum Dialogu i Modlitwy w Oświęcimiu, Kraków 2003, s. 235-...

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K - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:01:49

Kalwin Jan „Institutio Religionis Christianae” egzegezie tekstów biblijnych Kamykowski Łukasz. Cały Izrael , Ku katolickiej wizji Izraela i Żydów, Kraków 1996. Chrześcijańska teologia judaizmu – Podstawowe elementy nowej c...

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Entering solitude and the space of introspection - A Ramadan Special

Wpis: 2020-05-05 10:31:08

This session's topic will be related to Ramadan and touches on the concerns of COVID-19 as well. We have accordingly chosen the theme of "entering solitude and the space of introspection" as the theme of the session. As it turns out, Jerusalem is co...

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Next Coronaspection Event

Wpis: 2020-05-30 22:02:48

The Elijah Interfaith Institute: Join us for our next edition of Coronaspection, jointly held with Praying Together in Jerusalem on Thursday, June 4. The subject of our teaching and prayer session will be: Houses of Worship and COVID-19 .

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