"Prayer of the Moment". We would like to draw the focus of our community to the Ukraine/Russia crisis
16/02/2022 | Na stronie od 16/02/2022

Source: The Elijah Interfaith Institute
Dear Members of the Elijah Family,
Holding the vision of a united humanity, united facing God, across all its religious differences, we recognize this is a moment of global urgency, one that calls for prayer. Building on Elijah's "praying together" meetings, we would like to draw the focus of our community to the Ukraine/Russia crisis, that presently is the focus of global attention. The only thing we can do as the Elijah community is pray, and pray together.
To this end we have opened a Facebook group called "Prayer of the Moment", that allows us to share prayers for the moment of urgency, whatever it may be. The first two prayers for the Ukraine/Russia crisis, taken from our most recent meeting of Praying Together in Jerusalem, have been posted.
Now, it is up to you to share your prayers in the Facebook group. Please post short videos or offer written prayers. They can be from your tradition or spontaneous offerings from your heart.
Share them with friends. Share the Facebook group with friends. Ask others to join in this global moment of prayer. Post prayers to your own Facebook page using the hashtag #PrayerForTheMoment.
Let all our hearts open up in compassion and care, expressing our common humanity, as it calls out for God's help and direction.
With prayer
The Elijah Interfaith Institute