Coronaspection: Introspection I

Wpis: 2020-06-14 08:21:35

...rt in this project. I am grateful to editors of Tablet magazine for their eagerness to feature the project in its entirety. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel)...

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Coronaspection: Introspection IV

Wpis: 2020-06-15 20:11:26

Alon Goshen-Gottstein: There is a special power in the coming together of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. Forty important voices are taking part in this project....

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Coronaspection: Introspection V

Wpis: 2020-06-18 13:20:36

Together, we set out to answer seven questions - Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.

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Coronaspection: Introspection VI

Wpis: 2020-06-20 14:35:14

...feel to me, and I am sure would also feel the same to the speakers themselves, as growing out of the same spiritual matrix. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter w...

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Coronaspection: Introspection VII

Wpis: 2020-06-22 23:35:06

Together, we set out to answer seven questions. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism: History, Spirituality, Identity.)

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Coronaspection: Introspection VIII

Wpis: 2020-06-24 22:12:24

...of religious leaders in their diversity to deliver a message at a given point in time, especially a time of global crisis. (Alon Goshen-Gottstein, Executive Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute, Israel, is the author of The Jewish Encounter w...

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Ku czci prof. Stanisława Krajewskiego z okazji 70. urodzin

Wpis: 2020-06-25 10:50:26

"Numer ten skomponowaliśmy ku czci prof. Stanisława Krajewskiego – wybitnego matematyka, logika, filozofia, a zarazem... dobrego człowieka – z okazji jego 70. urodzin."

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Coronaspection: Introspection IX

Wpis: 2020-06-26 23:29:52

Forty important voices are taking part in this project. Together, we set out to answer seven questions

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Coronaspection: Introspection X

Wpis: 2020-06-29 18:37:00

Together, we set out to answer seven questions: 1. What have been your greatest challenges in dealing with the present Corona crisis?

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Torah Is the Air We Breathe

Wpis: 2020-06-29 20:38:53

"...But our spiritually impoverished society views religious practices as merely cultural expressions. It views religious services as equivalent to yoga classes and book club meetings. It does not see religion as essential, and therefore cannot unde...

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