New articles are available on

Wpis: 2021-02-05 16:31:20

February edition online

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Development and Diversity

Wpis: 2021-02-24 19:06:00

ICCJ online: video: Interreligious Dialogue about the Land Living Jewishly in the Land, A Christian Life in a Wounded Land, Israel in Jewish Theologies, Israel in Protestant Theologies, Israel in Catholic Theologies

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Judith Banki on her Historic Role in Nostra Aetate and Pioneering Work in Interreligious Engagement

Wpis: 2021-03-16 21:40:22

Co-sponsored by ICCJ's member organization, the Irish Council of Christians and Jews, the well-known and highly esteemed Dr Judith Banki offered an eyewitness' and insider's report on more than 50 years of Jewish-Christian dialogue. ICCJ, 25 II 2021...

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The Gift of the Feasts

Wpis: 2021-03-31 19:55:40

As a contribution to this year's Pesach and Easter celebrations members of the ICCJ Theology Committee offer an one-hour video seminar on "The Gift of the Feasts of Pesach and Easter"

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Происхождение кровавого навета

Wpis: 2021-04-08 12:24:52

Христианский ребенок пропал или найден мертвым. Все упорнее ходят слухи, что виновна в этом соседняя община – странные люди, известные своими демоническими обычаями. Они «явно» похитили ребенка, чтобы сделать с ним нечто ужасное – может быть, даже в...

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JCRelations: May edition online

Wpis: 2021-05-06 22:22:03

New articles are available on May contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online. Highlights: - English: Christian Wiese: Luther's shadow. Jewish and Protestant Interpretations of the Reformer’s Wr...

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New articles are available on

Wpis: 2021-06-04 15:51:21

International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ) Highlights: - English: Nancy Fuchs Kreimer: Interreligious Education at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College: A View from the Jewish Edge. - German: Ilse Müllner: Das Lied der H...

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Witnesses of the Witness

Wpis: 2021-06-11 17:40:42

Elie Wiesel’s Work and Message – New Perspectives, New Projects. Students of Elie Wiesel and scholars from Europe, Israel and the United States will share their projects, new books and initiatives advancing Elie Wiesel's work and message. Elisha...

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JCR - Book Reviews

Wpis: 2021-06-12 12:59:18

Book Reviews devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.

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