Z wypowiedzi Kościołów prawosławnych o stosunkach z Żydami i religią żydowską
14/07/2019 | Na stronie od 14/07/2019

Public Webinar: Orthodox Christians and Judaism Introducing the Working Group, Its Motivations, Paths Forward, and Aspirations 03/02/2024
Orthodox Christians in Dialogue with Jews is a project of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, which aims to gather Orthodox Christian scholars and pastoral leaders to further our understanding of our theological and liturgical tradition on the basis of these rekindled contacts, this deepened understanding of both Christian and Jewish origins, with respect for the mystery of Israel and the ongoing presence of our Jewish brothers and sisters today. -
To Recognize Christ in His People The final declaration by the Christian Round Table of Eastern Orthodox priests and cultural representatives from Greece, Georgia, Italy, Russia, and Ukraine visiting Jerusalem, April 20-24, 2007
Communique of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church Regarding Anti-Semitic Posters March 24, 2005
Statement by Metropolitan Yuvenali (Russian Orthodox Church) on the Alleged "Ritual" Nature of the Murder of the Royal Family From the Address of Metropolitan Yuvenali of Krutitsky and Kolomna, "The Work of the Holy Synod's Canonisation Commission on the Question of the Royal Family's Martyrdom," Journal No 63, 10 October 1996 Session of the Russian Orthodox Church's Holy Synod.
W sprawie Judaizmu Patriarcha Bartłomiej I, /Olivier Clement (1998)/
Wasi prorocy - nasi prorocy Przemówienie Patriarchy Moskwy i Wszechrusi Aleksego II wygłoszone 13 listopada 1991 w Nowym Jorku podczas spotkania z rabinami.
An Orthodox Christian View of Non-Christian Religions. Rev. Dr. George C. Papademetriou
JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX DIALOGUE. Bucharest, Romania, October 29-31.1979, a follow-up of the dialogue held in March of 1977 in Lucerne, Switzerland. Under the Sponsorship of Patriarch Justinian of Romania and Chief Rabbi Moses Rosen of Romania
Responding to Anti-Semitism
This page explores the relationships between Orthodox Christianity and Judaism through the centuries and today.
/The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America/
Poblikacje wybrane:
- Sandrine Caneri - Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint Serge à Paris, Exégèse patristique, Faculty Member /Chercheur sur la Torah orale et les écrits talmudiques en relation avec les écrits des Pères de l'Eglise et la tradition byzantine/.
- Jewish-Christian Dialogue and the Orthodox Church, Review of Ecumenical Studies 2, 2019
- The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (United States and Canada) - Orthodox Churches, Dialogika Menu:
- Orthodox Christians and Jews on Continuity and Renewal. IMMANUEL 26/27 1994,
- Jewish-Christian Relations (ICCJ) - Orthodox Statements:
- Bibliography of Dialogue Between Orthodox Christians and Jews by rev. Petra Heldt
Instytucje i organizacje dialogu:
- Orthodox Christians in Dialogue with Jews is a project of the Orthodox Theological Society in America
- Patriarchat konstantynopolitański prowadzi dialog z judaizmem (przewodniczącym komisji jest metropolita Emanuel Adamakis z Paryża i dotychczas miało miejsce dziewięć wspólnych konferencji, w których brali udział przedstawiciele polskiego prawosławia) oraz islamem.
- Patriarchat moskiewski ma swoje komisje do spraw dialogu z judaizmem i z islamem.