50-lecie "Nostra aetate" - dokumenty i materiały
15/12/2015 | Na stronie od 15/12/2015
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Deklaracja soborowa "Nostra aetate"
Wskazówki i sugestie w sprawie wprowadzania w życie deklaracji soborowej "Nastra aetate" nr 4. (1.XII.1974)
Z wypowiedzi Kościoła katolickiego o stosunkach z Żydami i religią żydowską
50-lecie "Nostra aetate" dokumenty i materiały
20.IV.2015 - Adress to Delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis
25.VI.2015 - Address to Delegation from B'nai B'rith International
VI.2015. - Address to the International Council of Christians and Jews delivered at the Sala Clementina in the Vatican during the ICCJ's 2015 conference in Rome on "The 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate: The Past, Present, and Future of the Christian-Jewish Relationship."
Kurt Cardinal Koch. In the Service of Jewish-Catholic Understanding. Cardinal Koch, president of Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, delivered this opening address at the Commission's conference with its consultors and delegates of individual Episcopal Conferences for Catholic-Jewish dialogue held in Rome on 29 October 2012. Posted with his permission with slight editing.1
Kurt Cardinal Koch.Theological Questions and Perspectives in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue. The following remarks, with a few minor refinements made later, were delivered at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ as its eighteenth Annual Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher Memorial Lecture and also as the keynote address for the tenth annual meeting of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations. (2011.) More: A Jewish Response to "Theological Questions and Perspectives in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue" by Cardinal Kurt Koch
Dokument "Bo dary łaski i wezwanie Boże są nieodwołalne" (Rz 11,29). Komisji ds. Kontaktów Religijnych z Judaizmem Papieskiej Rady ds. Popierania Jedności Chrześcijan. "Kościół katolicki nie przewiduje jakiejkolwiek instytucjonalnej misji skierowanej ku Żydom". (En)
Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów
ICCJ Conference 2015 , “The 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate: The Past, Present, and Future of the Christian-Jewish Relationship”
1 VII 2015 - ICCJ Concludes Annual Meeting in Rome; Welcomed to Vatican by Pope Francis
30 VI 2015 - Celebrating and Deepening the New Christian-Jewish Relationship. A Statement from the International Council of Christians and Jews for the Golden Jubilee of the Second Vatican Council Declaration, Nostra Aetate 2015 ICCJ Annual Conference in Rome June 28 - July 1, 2015
Papers and Murray Watson impressions of the Rome Conference Opening Session online, June 28-July.
- Greetings - Dr Philip A. Cunningham
- Greetings - Marco Cassuto Morselli
- Cardinal Giuseppe Betori: "The Journey We Have Shared from Nostra Aetate to Today, and Onward Toward the Future"
- Rabbi Abraham Skorka: "Nostra Aetate - Past and Future"
Spiritual Patrimony. 50 Years after Nostra Aetate. David Sandmel Statement given at ICCJ's 2015 International Conference: "The 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate : The Past, Present, and Future of the Christian-Jewish Relationship". Rabbi David Fox Sandmel is Crown Ryan Professor of Jewish Studies at the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.
3.III.2015. PRChiŻ - inauguracja polskich obchodów 50-lecia deklaracji soborowej: (fotorelacja)
Bogdan Białek, "Niezbędny dialog"
Bogdan Białek, "Przełomowy rok"
Stanisław Krajewski, Magdalena Czyż. Dzieci Abrahama Epoka po "Nostra aetate" W 50. rocznicę soborowej deklaracji. Więz (661) 2015. (Żródło: Academia.edu)
Stanisław Krajewski, Magdalena Czyż. 50 rocznica Nostra Aetate. Kwartalnik PRChiŻ Nr1
5.XI.2015. Zgromadzenie Rabinów Polski w odpowiedzi na List pasterski Episkopatu Polski w w 50. rocznicę Nostra aetate: "List pasterski Episkopatu Polski, potępiając antysemityzm jako grzech, stanowi jasną i znaczącą deklarację, moralnie i historycznie cenną dla Polski, Europy i świata." [więcej:]
16.X.2015. List pasterski Episkopatu Polski z okazji 50. rocznicy "Nostra aetate": WSPÓLNE DUCHOWE DZIEDZICTWO CHRZEŚCIJAN I ŻYDÓW "Soborowa deklaracja pośród innych rodzajów dialogu wyróżnia dialog chrześcijan i Żydów. Jego wyjątkowość polega na tym, że rodzi się on ze świadomości duchowego pokrewieństwa obydwu religii. W duchu nauczania Soboru św. Jan Paweł II - nawiązujšc przy tym do słów Adama Mickiewicza - określał Żydów "starszymi braćmi w wierze, a Benedykt XVI dodawał, że są oni dla nas również "ojcami w wierze"."
Halina Bortnowska, Recepcja Soboru Watykańskiego II. Kwartalnik PRChiŻ Nr 1
Universität Wien: 50 Jahre Nostra Aetate Theologische Grundlagenforschung
Bilanz zum Nostra Aetate-Jubiläum [ more:]
Fünfzig Jahre Nostra Aetate Versuch einer theologischen Bilanz - Prof. Dr. Gregor Maria Hoff, Salzburg
Nostra Aetate, 50 ans apres (Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France /AJCF/)
Raphy Marciano NOSTRA AETATE: pour un dialogue fraternel entre juifs et chrétiens: 50 ans après.. Allocution prononcée par Raphy Marciano, Directeur de l’Espace Culturel et Universitaire Juif d’Europe, directeur du Centre Communautaire de Paris, lors du Conseil National de l’AJCF du 1er mars 2015
23.XI.2015. Życzenia francuskich rabinów z okazji 50. rocznicy Nostra aetate oraz ich nadzieje na kolejne 50. lat.Une nouvelle vision juive des relations judéo-chrétiennes, 23 Novembre 2015
- On November 23, 2015 to mark the 50th jubilee of Nostra Aetate, the Chief Rabbi of France, Haim Korsia, presented to the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, a declaration on the upcoming jubilee of brotherhood, expressing "A New Jewish View of Jewish-Christian Relations." This " Déclaration pour le Jubilé de fraternité a venir " (" Declaration for the Upcoming Jubilee of Brotherhood ") was written by Jean-Francois Bensahel (President of the "Union Libérale Israélite de France"), Philippe Haddad (Rabbi of the "Union Libérale Israélite de France"), Rivon Krygier (Rabbi of the Massorti congregation "Adath Shalom"), Raphy Marciano (Director of "Espace Culturel et Universitaire Juif dEurope") and Franklin Rausky (Program Director of the "Institut Universitaire dÉtudes Juives Elie Wiesel").
From past: Michael A. Signer Department of Theology University of Notre Dame - "Nostra Aetate after 40 Years: A Decisive Change". "One of the easiest ways to assess the difference in relations between Christians and Jews in the forty years since 1965 is to examine a library catalogue. The number of books devoted to the historical, theological and philosophical dimensions of our relationship grows larger every year. Beyond the printed pages there are human encounters which encourage exploration of our religious traditions. There are dozens of symposia and many research centers that focus on the past, present and future of this relationship. If someone were to investigate this topic prior to 1965 they would discover only a few Jewish authors who explored the Christian tradition and even less Christian authors who examined Judaism with a measure of empathy. "
Resources for Nostra Aetate's 50th Anniversary (US) (The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations /CCJR/). More: Resources for Nostra Aetate's 50th Anniversary.
- Jewish Reaction to Nostra Aetate: From Regret to Acclaim, Rabbi Noam Marans, Celebrating 50 Years of the Catholic Church's Dialogue with Jews, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, May 20, 2015.
- "After 40 Years, Nostra Aetates Christological Implications" Hans Hermann Henrix Bischöfliche Akademie des Bistums, Aachen, Germany (Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations A peer-reviewed e-journal of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations Published by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College
Spring Hill College - Jewish-Christian DialogueLibrary:
Wielka Brytania
Resources for Nostra Aetate's 50th Anniversary (UK) (The Council of Christians and Jews /CCJ/)
Woolf Institute, Cambridge - Resources for Nostra Aetate's 50th Anniversary
- A New Vatican Document
- The Communion of Struggle: Celebrating 50 Years of Nostra Aetate
- Nostra Aetate - 50 Years On Edward Kessler Founding Director, Woolf Institute, Cambridge
Organizacje żydowskie
Between Jerusalem and Rome The declaration "Between Jerusalem and Rome", an important contemporary Jewish Orthodox reflection on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity was elaborated in the context of the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the declaration of Vatican II which transformed the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church towards other world religions, particularly with Judaism. Dated of Rosh Chodesh Adar I, 5776 (February 10, 2016), this text has been adopted in March 2016 by the Conference of European Rabbis and the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America.
AJC leading global Jewish advocacy organization
ADL Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry
- 50th Anniversary Nostra Aetate 1965 2015 (ADL)
- History: Nostra Aetate: Transforming the Catholic-Jewish Relationship, On the 40th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Looking Back, Looking Ahead/
JTA Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
- 50 years on, how Nostra Aetate has transformed Jewish-Catholic relations Noam E. Marans, (12.V.2015).
- Becoming saints: Two popes who revolutionized Jewish-Catholic relations By Ruth Ellen Gruber April 24, 2014.
13.XII.2015. Afirmacja i partnerstwo - Rabin Alon Goshen-Gottstein o żydowskich obchodach "transformacji chrześcijaństwa".
Nostra Aetate reflections from Elijah leaders. Dear Friend, In October 1965, the Vatican promulgated Nostra Aetate, the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions, a landmark document that radically changed Catholicism's relations with other faiths and attempted to right earlier injustices, particularly with regards to the Church's attitude towards the Jewish people. From October to December 2015, members of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders and the Elijah Academy participated in many events around the globe to commemorate 50 years since this major achievement of the Second Vatican Council and to reflect on its impact.
- Cardinal Christoph SchönborCardinal Schönborn on the Importance of Dialogue for Peace: KAICIID Panel Discussion Affirming Brotherhood and Partnership — Jewish Celebration of Christian Transformation On a pair of groundbreaking new rabbinic statements that celebrate 50 years of change in the Catholic Church
- Rabbi David Rosen, Nostra Aetate – A Religious Revolution In Our Time-transforming Christian-Jewish and Interfaith Relations. Rabbi David Rosen–12 May 2015 Page 1of 6 Nostra Aetate –A Religious Revolution In Our Time transforming Christian-Jewish and Interfaith Relations Rabbi David Rosen, 12 May 2015, Great Hall, Manchester Town Hall. Discussion Panel:Rabbi David Rosen, Rt Rev John Arnold –Catholic Bishop of Salford, Rt Rev David Walker –Anglican Bishop of Manchester, Rabbi Arnold Saunders –Emeritus Rabbi, Higher Crumpsall Shul.
- prof. Anantanand Rambachan - Expanding the Meaning of Liberation: Resources and Challenges for a Hindu Theology of Liberation. (31.01.2016). Nostra Aetate and the associated Vatican II declarations extended beyond Christian-Jewish relations. Hindu member of the Elijah Academy, Professor Anantanand Rambachan, was invited to present a paper in May at a seminar at Georgtown University on the theme of “Vatican II: Remembering the Future”. Professor Rambachan’s paper was entitled “Expanding the Meaning of Liberation: Resources and Challenges for a Hindu Theology of Liberation.” Some extracts from his presentation follow:
- Dr. Therese Andrevon Gottstein - Every two years, the Jesuit magazine Recherche de science religieuse, organizes a theological conference, which gathers most of the professors and students of their Paris Faculty. Last November, I was honoured to be invited to give a lecture there. To mark the 50th anniversary of the Conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, chapter 4, on the Jews, they dedicated their entire conference to this issue. I opened the session with a ninety minute presentation of the text of the document, its fecundity, and the challenges for the Catholic Church today, in its dialogue with the Jews and its theology in general.. Dr. Therese Andrevon Gottstein is a member of the Elijah Think Tank who completed her doctoral work on Nostra Aetate at the University of Leuven and the Catholic Institute of Paris. She made presentations at two major events to mark the jubilee year of its passing
- Rabbi Richard Marker - Elijah Voices on Nostra Aetate - Rabbi Richard Marker - Some thoughts on various celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate. Rabbi Richard Marker, currently Vice Chair of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, has been involved in interfaith matters his entire career. His academic degrees are in comparative religion; he has worked as a Chaplain in an interfaith chaplaincy at one of the Ivy League Universities in the US; he has chaired numerous interfaith dialogue groups; he has taught Jewish theology at a Jesuit University and elsewhere; he has lectured at various schools of theology and universities both in Europe and the United States; and has been involved with the Board of World Religious Leaders since its inception. Currently he teaches Philanthropy at New York University.
Rabbi david Rosen “Nostra Aetate”, Forty Years After Vatican II. Present & Future Perspectives Conference of the Holy See Commission for Religious Relations with Jewry, Rome, October 27, 2005