
Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:42:57

Ważne adresy Ważne adres z listy ICCJ БИБЛИОТЕКА РУССКОЙ РЕЛИГИОЗНО-ФИЛО СОФСКОЙ И ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ Wiecej: Centrum Dialogu i Modlitwy - Oświęcim "Spośród wielorakich inicjatyw, jakie w duchu Soboru podejmowan...

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Polecamy do przeczytania

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:43:48

W tym: Lekatura miesięczna ICCJ (

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Seelisburg 1947 ( 10 ICCJ Points )

Wpis: 2000-08-05 17:00:00

The following statement, produced by the Christian participants at the Second conference of the newly formed International Council of Christians and Jews, was one of the first statements following World War II in which Christians, with the advice an...

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Holocaust-Shoah: Its Effects on Christian Theology and Life in Argentina and Latin America

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

We have gathered in Argentina, in the presence of brothers and sisters from different Jewish communities, in order to hold the First International Symposium of Christian Theology in the San Martín Palacio of the Argentinean Chancellery, offered by t...

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Two Different Statements on “Jewish Evangelism”

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

_In June of 1996 the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution affirming the Convention's commitment to evangelization of the Jewish people. In response, New York bishops of the Lutheran, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic Churches issued a sta...

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Ecumenical considerations for dialogue and relations with people of other religions

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

1. From its beginning, the Church has confessed that God is reconciling the world to Godself through Christ Jesus. Throughout history, the Church has been seeking to understand and apply the fundamentals of its faith to concrete situations in which...

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Dokumenty (protestanci i rzymscy katolicy)

Wpis: 2000-01-01 04:00:00

On the way to a common theology of religions in Europe. Statement adopted by the CEC Churches in Dialogue Commission at its fifth meeting in Pullach/Munich, Germany (25-27 June 2008) Holocaust-Shoah: Its Effects on Christian Theology...

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Guidelines for Catholic-Jewish Relations

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference. Impelled by the inspiration of Pope John XXIII, the Council wished to inaugurate a fresh start in Catholic-Jewish relations. The main affirmations of paragraph four were these three. Firstly, the Catholic Ch...

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Z wypowiedzi Kościoła katolickiego o stosunkach z Żydami i religią żydowską

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Sobór Watykański II, Konstytucja dogmatyczna o Kościele - "LUMEN GENTIUM" , Rozdział II. Lud Boży, 16: "Ci wreszcie, którzy jeszcze nie przyjęli Ewangelii, w rozmaity sposób przyporządkowani są do Ludu Bożego. Przede wszystkim więc naród, k...

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Communique of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:47:26

Upon learning the facts with regard to the anti-Semitic posters and graffiti that appeared in Belgrade on March 22 of this year, as well as of earlier, similar and in some cases even more blatant, inhumane and malicious demonstrations of prejudice a...

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