Alon Goshen Gottstein


Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein - Człowiek Pojednania za rok 2009 Laudacja Laudację na cześć Rabina Alona Goshen Gottsteina wygłosił Ks. Wiesław Dawidowski Dostojny Laureacie, Panie Rabinie Alonie Goshen G...

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Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein Człowiekiem Pojednania za rok 2009

Wpis: 2019-06-09 02:41:46

Rabin Alon Goshen-Gottstein przyjął od Polskiej Rady Chrześcijan i Żydów tytuł „Człowiek Pojednania” za rok 2009 podczas centralnych obchodów XIII Dnia Judaizmu w Kościele katolickim w Polsce. Uroczystość miała miejsce 17 stycznia 20101 roku w auli...

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Mono or Poly? Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism

Wpis: 2020-02-05 11:06:30

The second event of our lecture series “The Others’ Faith” is dedicated to the question: How do today’s Jews and Muslims view Hinduism, which recognizes multiple deities? Jewish Museum Berlin

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Interreligious Heroes: Role Models and Spiritual Exemplars for Interfaith Practice

Wpis: 2022-02-06 12:56:50

This coming Tuesday, February 8, Elijah's director, Dr. Alon Goshen Gottstein, will be presenting his new book: "Interreligious Heroes: Role Models and Spiritual Exemplars for Interfaith Practice".

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"Prayer of the Moment". We would like to draw the focus of our community to the Ukraine/Russia crisis

Wpis: 2022-02-16 13:01:41

Holding the vision of a united humanity, united facing God, across all its religious differences, we recognize this is a moment of global urgency, one that calls for prayer. Building on Elijah's "praying together" meetings, we would like to draw the...

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Letter to Patriarch Kirill Addressing the Situation in Ukraine (English)

Wpis: 2022-05-04 21:46:44

We, religious leaders representing many faith traditions, write to express our concern with the war taking place in Ukraine. We are mindful of our religious obligation to choose peace through dialogue. Our role is to pray for and support peaceful re...

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The Concept of “Return”. Idea of Exile and Return

Wpis: 2022-09-02 11:12:14

When it became possible to return to Jerusalem for our summer school, after two years on Zoom, the theme “Return to Jerusalem” seemed natural. After the opening session, in which participants shared sources and ideas from their diverse traditions on...

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Idolatry - A Contemporary Jewish Conversation

Wpis: 2023-06-28 18:38:09

Elijah Releases New Book Following earlier work, that examined the status of other religions as idolatry, the present volume explores if and what continuing relevance the category of idolatry, Avoda Zarah, holds. If other religions are cleared of...

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein - "Everything is cast into question, as a result of recent events."

Wpis: 2023-11-10 09:12:55

With great trepidation I offer what I think is the first attempt to open up what should be an ongoing conversation regarding the religious meaning and response to the horrors we are experiencing.

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Alon Goshen-Gottstein: When Jews spit in contempt, it is likely a symptom of deeper ills, especially ignorance and a refusal to learn about the other

Wpis: 2023-11-10 11:53:29

...ical and academic dimension with a variety of practical initiatives, especially involving world religious leadership. Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein - Człowiek Pojednania za rok 2009....

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