ICCJ: new articles are available on JCRelations.net

Wpis: 2021-03-04 20:59:56

JCRelations.net: March edition online

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Doroczna Konferecja ICCJ - wirtualnie 20-23 VI 2021 r.

Wpis: 2021-03-16 22:34:46

ICCJ zaprasza krajowe organizacje członkowskie i osoby fizyczne do składania propozycji „warsztatów”, które chcą zaoferować i zorganizują we współpracy i koordynacji z ICCJ.

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ICCJ President's Greetings for Pesach and Easter

Wpis: 2021-03-31 18:36:06

The pandemic cannot change facts and life will always find new ways. We will celebrate once more. We will celebrate Pesach and Easter under circumstances to which we are not accustomed .

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ICCJ - new articles are available on JCRelations.net:

Wpis: 2021-04-08 11:22:15

April contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online:

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Join us for the First Ever Virtual Open House of the ICCJ

Wpis: 2021-04-23 21:30:21

...d will look like after we have emerged from this valley of darkness? We assume you have, and that is why you should join the ICCJ-family for the world-wide virtual conference to be held from Sunday, June 20, until Wednesday, June 23, on precisely thi...

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Kiedy to wszystko się skończy, jak chcemy, żeby świat był inny? Konferencja ICCJ 2021

Wpis: 2021-05-29 10:38:04

Wirtualna konferencja ICCJ. - "Jeśli nie teraz, kiedy? Refleksje na temat wspólnego zadania uzdrowienia naszego podzielonego świata" - "Specyfika i uniwersalność: lekcje z pandemii" - "Psalmy w czasach COVID: Modlitwa, która czyni nas ludźm...

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Wciąż można zarejestrować się na Wirtualną Konferencję ICCJ 2021

Wpis: 2021-06-14 07:27:46

ICCJ President Bo Sandahl welcomes you to the 2021 Virtual Conference A message from ICCJ President Bo Sandahl: There is still time to register for the 2021 Virtual Conference!

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Wirtualna konferencja ICCJ 2021 już trwa

Wpis: 2021-06-20 16:59:57

Kiedy to wszystko się skończy, jak chcemy, żeby świat był inny?

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The ICCJ welcomes a new President and a new Executive Board

Wpis: 2021-07-03 12:17:10

At their Annual General Meeting the ICCJ member organizations elected the ICCJ Executive Board for a tenure of the next three years. During the 2021 Annual General Meeting of ICCJ's member organizations, held virtually on June 27, the outgoing ICC...

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ICCJ Backgrounder on Paul's Letter to the Galatians. 27.08.2021.

Wpis: 2021-08-28 07:22:09

...of some irritations and concerns caused by a series of lessons given by Pope Francis on Paul's Letter to the Galatians, the ICCJ Executive Board asked its Honorary President, Dr Philip A. Cunningham, to provide some background on the Letter to the G...

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