International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC)

Wpis: 2022-05-21 12:02:00

IJCIC is regularly in the news for its efforts to improve relations between the Jewish community and global religious bodies. These include a number of recent news stories, which have drawn international attention.

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An Interfaith, International Example of the Art of Dialogue: AJC’s virtual Annual Forum

Wpis: 2022-05-28 19:33:03

What was originally meant to be an international meeting in Berlin of historic significance by a 114 year old Jewish organization like ÀJC - the American Jewish Committee - on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, was transformed by th...

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Judaism and Hinduism

Wpis: 2022-06-01 09:57:32

We are delighted to announce the publication of a special issue of Contemporary Jewry, devoted to Judaism and Hinduism and different dimensions of their encounter. The Elijah Interfaith Institute

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"Opowieść o dwukulturowej, przedwojennej Mszanie Dolnej"

Wpis: 2022-06-02 14:51:12

Weissbergerowie, Streimerowie, Gellerowie, Schwitzerowie, Zinsowie - mówią Wam coś te nazwiska mszańskich rodzin? Zapraszamy niniejszym na już 5. wydarzenie w naszym projekcie "Opowieść o dwukulturowej, przedwojennej Mszanie Dolnej" - tym razem opow...

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Foundation for Documentation of Jewish Cemeteries

Wpis: 2022-06-09 20:07:08

The original goal of FDJC was to photograph all the gravestones in Okopowa Street Cemetery in Warsaw, the largest Jewish Cemetery in Poland. The success of this project led to the expansion of the goals to the photographing and transcription of all...

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75th Anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference - study day on Thursday, August 4, 2022

Wpis: 2022-06-11 12:41:50

Series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg conference - preparations before the study day

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Jewish Heritage Europe: Anniversary of Anniversaries: Bratislava

Wpis: 2022-06-14 14:10:04

The year 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of Jewish Heritage Europe, and we will be celebrating it throughout the year with special content. The theme of JHE’s 10th birthday celebrations is the “Anniversary of Anniversaries” — that is, using JHE’s...

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Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue in Jerusalem

Wpis: 2022-06-20 22:10:32

Some of you may recognize the name of our flagship programme: JCJCR: The Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations, out of which Rossing has grown. The Rossing Center is an affiliate of ICCJ, and as such we are your fellow member organization...

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Czytelnia POLIN: Debata o ludobójstwach

Wpis: 2022-06-29 23:14:16

Gebert stawia i dokumentuje tezę, że Zagłada nie była w historii Europy i świata aktem jednorazowym i wyjątkowym. Jego przemyślenia skłaniają do zadumy nad tym, co sprawia, że normalni ludzie stają się jej sprawcami. I dlaczego immanentne zło zyskuj...

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