O - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:11:25

Obirek Stanisław Obrzeża katolicyzmu . Poznań: Wydawnictwo "Forum Naukowe" PASSAT - Paweł Pietrzyk, 2008. ISBN 978-83-61053-11-8. Beatyfikacja_antysemityzmu Dialog chrześcijańsko-żydowski z Zagładą w tle , Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żyd...

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P - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:13:49

Palihawadana Mahinda A Buddhist response: religion beyond ideology and power in: D.G. Dawe and J.B. Carman Christian Faith in a Religiously Plural World, Orbis, 1978, 34-45. Palmer Gesine Redeeming Liturgy. A Eulogist’s Perspective...

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R - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:15:28

Rabini ortodoksyjni "To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians" (" Pełnić wolę naszego Ojca w niebie: ku współpracy między Żydami a chrześcijanami ") - oświadczenie rabinów ortodoksyjnych na te...

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S - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:18:56

Sacks Jonathan (rabin) O wierze , Style i Charaktery: Medytacja. 2.2014 Rabbi Sacks on the Holocaust – A project for Yom HaShoah in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust 21/04/2020 Rabbi Sacks in conversation with Karen P...

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W - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:26:46

WALTON J. H., MATTHEWS V.H., CHAVALAS M.W. (red.) KOMENTARZ HISTORYCZNO-KULTUROWY DO BIBLII HEBRAJSKIEJ , red. J. H. WALTON, V.H. MATTHEWS, M.W. CHAVALAS, Vocatio, Warszawa 2005. Waślicka-Żmijewska Zofia Jakimi świadkami Zagłady byl...

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V - bibliografia dialogu

Wpis: 2020-03-18 11:28:28

Vatican News Heiliges Land: Kirchenvertreter äußern sich zu Biden-Besuch , Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews (CRRJ) CRRJ and IJCIC, Representing World Jewry, Celebrate Nostra Aetate at 55 Vatican News:...

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In time of Coronavirus

Wpis: 2020-04-09 14:51:08

Ron Kronish - Shalom in the Era of the Coronavirus Crisis Sami El-Yousef - In time of Coronavirus - Reflections from the Holy Land.

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ICCJ poleca lekturę na kwiecień 2020

Wpis: 2020-04-10 20:34:48

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: April contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

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50-lecie "Nostra aetate" u Żydów

Wpis: 2020-04-14 14:59:04

Obchody AJC leading global Jewish advocacy organization CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF NOSTRA - AETATE by Lisa Palmieri-Billig has worked with AJC since 2005. Previously, she held this position for the ADL, and before that worked in the Rome...

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50-lecie "Nostra aetate" w Wielkiej Brytanii

Wpis: 2020-04-14 21:07:03

Obchody The Council of Christians and Jews The leading nationwide forum for Christian - Jewish engagement (UK) 19.V.2015 Manchester Nostra Aetate Celebrations May 19th, International faith-leader, Rabbi David Rosen, held 200 people in...

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