Papież: Żydzi i chrześcijanie są braćmi, dziećmi jednego Ojca
Wpis: 2022-12-12 19:20:28
Żydzi i chrześcijanie są braćmi, dziećmi jednego Ojca – przypomniał papież Franciszek podczas audiencji dla członków organizacji Przyjaźń Żydowsko-Chrześcijańska we Francji (AJCF) w 75. rocznicę jej powstania. Odwołuje się do międzynarodowej konfe...
New articles are available on January 2023 edition online
Wpis: 2023-01-03 22:06:45
Highlights: - English - Ervin Budiselić: The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels. Article - English - Joseph Tulloch: Pope: May Jews and Christians continue to grow in friendship. Reports - English - Allison P....
From Antijudaism to Contemporary Antisemitism: Continuities and Discontinuities. 05.02.2023.
Wpis: 2023-01-06 22:48:45
As part of its non-public consultation on the topic "Antisemitism: What is in a Definition?" the ICCJ invites to a public webinar taking place on Sunday, February 5, 7 p.m. UTC.
XXVI Dzień Judaizmu w Poznaniu
Wpis: 2023-01-13 11:35:58
Obchody Poznań, 07 – 18 stycznia 2023, w tym: 17 stycznia, wtorek, godz. 19.00 Nabożeństwo biblijne „Przejście Pana: dzisiaj wychodzicie” pod przewodnictwem Arcybiskupa Stanisława Gądeckiego z udziałem- prof. Stanisława Krajewskiego, Polska...
Video: From Antijudaism to Contemporary Antisemitism: Continuities and Discontinuities
Wpis: 2023-02-06 20:21:37
As part of its non-public consultation on the topic "Antisemitism: What is in a Definition?" the ICCJ offered on February 5, 2023 a public webinar entitled "From Antijudaism to Contemporary Antisemitism: Continuities and Discontinuities". A recordin...
Najważniejsze wydarzenia, okoliczności i kontekst dialogu 2023
Wpis: 2023-02-08 00:06:23
Communique of the 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity
Wpis: 2023-02-14 20:56:26
The 11th Academic Consultation between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity took place December 4-6, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. The theme was “Jewish-Orthodox Christian Dialogue: Navigating Our Relations to the World and to Each Other.” The Consultation...
‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’
Wpis: 2023-02-14 22:10:37
The pericope of the theophany during a banquet from Exodus is an interesting text to discuss in relation to Jewish-Christian interaction. The banquets analysed here (the theophany during a banquet from Exodus, and the Last Supper) have different mea...
New articles are available on February 2023 edition online
Wpis: 2023-02-15 20:41:51
Among others: - Harry J. Sinnaghel: ‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’. A Theological Reflection on Exodus 24:11.Article - International Jewish Committee: Communique of the 11th Academic Consultation Between Judaism and Orthodox Christi...
The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels
Wpis: 2023-02-25 20:42:37
Ervin Budiselić. In the first part of the paper, we will address certain theological and historical reasons for the exclusion of the Jewishness of Jesus from both Judaism and Christianity. In the second part, we will discuss the importance of the Je...