Kryzys pamięci Holokaustu

Wpis: 2024-01-29 16:17:24

Ludzie przyjeżdżają do Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau i wielu z nich chce rozmawiać również o tym, co się dzieje teraz [w Izraelu i Palestynie], wypowiadają się także na naszych profilach w mediach społecznościowych. I to nie jest tylko nasz problem, bo...

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Rabbi Abraham Skorka: “The Lord gave strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.”

Wpis: 2024-02-04 17:21:12

The first thoughts and sentiments that came into my mind and heart when I had received the proposed theme of this panel was about the terrible silence which accompanies us Jews throughout the greater part of our history...

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Rabbi Riccardo Shmuel Di Segni: “O mortal, can these bones live?” (Ezekiel 37,3)

Wpis: 2024-02-04 18:07:12

Address given on the occasion of the 35th Day of Dialogue between Catholics and Jews, 17 January 2024, Rome, Pontifical Gregorian University. .

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Fritz VOLL (1930-2024)

Wpis: 2024-03-02 19:13:07

We mourn the loss of Fritz Voll, the founder and architect of this website, who passed away in Toronto, Canada, in early February 2024 at the age of 93.

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February 12th, 2024 - Response to the Pope's letter, dated from 2 February 2024.

Wpis: 2024-03-03 12:10:59

We received Your Holiness’ letter with deep gratitude for your enduring trust and friendship. “Words that emanate from the heart, enter the heart” [Rabbi Moshe Ibn Ezra, Sefer Shirat Yisrael/ Kitab almakhatzrah wa-almadakrah] -- we are moved by this...

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Vatican City, 2 February 2024 - Letter of the Holy Father to Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel

Wpis: 2024-03-03 17:33:43

We are experiencing a moment of great travail. Wars and divisions are increasing all over the world. We are truly, as I said some time ago, in the midst of a sort of "piecemeal world war", with serious consequences on the lives of many populations....

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Interfaith Dialogue: Making Religion Part of Israel’s Middle East Peace

Wpis: 2024-03-17 07:26:41

How did Rabbi Dr. Yakov Nagen, an unassuming, boyish-looking 55-yearold Talmudic scholar from Otniel, a small settlement south of Hebron, become involved in interfaith activities, meet with Muslim religious leaders,and travel throughout the world, s...

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Israel as a Jewish State – Religious and Secular Dimensions

Wpis: 2024-03-17 09:47:55

The rise of modern Zionism during the second half of the nineteenth century is essentially connected with the major processes that marked European Jewish life during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. The most notable of these are the Enli...

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36th annual Catholic-Jewish colloquium examines impact of war on groups’ relations

Wpis: 2024-05-03 19:34:24

April 24, 2024 - As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues into its sixth month, a group gathered at the Center for Pastoral Leadership to examine the impact of the war on the relations between Catholics and Jews.

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