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25/05/2020 | Na stronie od 25/05/2020

- Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac, Les juifs français sont ils (devenus) des blancs comme les autres.
Jewish-Christian dialogue
Paweł Maciejko, Jezus i Pan Jakub Frank - _Pages_from_Kronos-12013, Akademia.edu.
M. Sangalli, Dal ghetto alla tolleranza: percorrendo l'Europa di eta moderna tra ebraismo e cristianesimo. by Giornale di Storia (Sapienza University of Roma) 11/2013 - MISCELLANEA. Research Interests: Christianity, Antisemitism (Prejudice), Judaism, and Ghetto
Antisemitism (Prejudice), Jewish ritual murder accusation (acadamia.edu)
Natalia Aleksiun, The Cadaver Affair in the Second Polish Republic. A Case Study of Practical Antisemitism.
Michał Bilewicz, Adrian Wójcik, Antysemityzm na gruzach sztetla. Stosunek polskiej młodzieży do Żydów w miastach i miasteczkach południowej i wschodniej Polski.
Michał Bilewicz, Psychologiczne ródła dystansu. Czyli dlaczego unikamy kontaktu z obcymi?
Michał Bilewicz, Wiktor Soral, Mikołaj Winiewski, Exposure to hate speech increases prejudice through desensitization "In three studies (two representative nationwide surveys, N = 1,007, N = 682; and one experimental, N = 76) we explored the effects of exposure to hate speech on outgroup prejudice. Following the General Aggression Model, we suggest that frequent and repetitive exposure to hate speech leads to desensitization to this form of verbal violence and subsequently to lower evaluations of the victims and greater distancing, thus increasing outgroup prejudice. In the first survey study, we found that lo...""
Het probleem van antisemitisme en historische Jezusverfilming by Frank Bosman More Info: Frank Bosman en Henk van Hout, Het probleem van antisemitisme en historische Jezusverfilming, in: Harm van Grol, Piet van Midden (red.), Een roos in de lente, Faculteit Katholieke Theologie: Utrecht (2009), p. 10-24. Publication Date: May 15, 2009. Research Interests: Theology, Antisemitism (Prejudice), and Film
O Catolicismo Como Ideal: Produçao Literária Antijudaica No Mundo Portugues Da Idade Moderna by Bruno Feitler Nos séculos XVII e XVIII difundiu-se em Portugal uma grande quantidade de obras de polemica antijudaica quando oficialmente já nao existiam judeus no país. Essas obras (tratados, diálogos, sermoes, panfletos) por vezes tinham o objetivo aparente de converter sinceramente os cristaos-novos, que continuavam a ser identificados aos judeus. De modo mais freqüente, visavam rebaixar os cristaos-novos e alertar a populaçao crista-velha sobre o perigo que eles representariam para a sociedade, sendo aqueles postos no tradicional papel de bodes expiatórios, desta vez do declínio do poderio portugues. Publisher: SciELO Brasil Publication Date: Jan 1, 2005 Publication Name: Novos estudos- CEBRAP
Eugenio Maggi, Amaya de Navarro Villoslada en el siglo XX: avatares de una narración antijudaica. "En este artículo se analizan dos adaptaciones modernas de la novela histórica Amaya o los vascos en el siglo VIII (1877-1879) del escritor católico Francisco Navarro Villoslada, donde la pérdida de España en el año 711 es el resultado de un complot judaico. La película de Luis Marquina (1952) simplifica las implicaciones teológicas del complejo argumento de la novela, a favor de una brutal estigmatización del pueblo hebreo, favorecida probablemente por las tensas relaciones entre España e Isra"
Johannes van Oort, Augustine's book Against (or: To?!) the Jews: Aduersus Iudaeos Iudaeos (Aduersus -), in: Augustinus-Lexikon, Band III, Fasc. 5/6, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2008 [= June 2009], 792-796;
Mateusz Pielka, Case accusation of ritual murder in Skórcz in 1884 in the light of the press "In the late 19th century, Germany became a scene of anti-Semitic violence spawned by the accusation of ritual murder. In 1880s, a young boy Onufry Cybula was murdered in the eastern province of the German Reich, more specifically in Skórcz located in West Prussia. Christians, influenced by the faith in ritual murder, accused Jews. They put the blame for killing the child on the Jewish butcher, Josephson. Howev…"
Mateusz Pielka, Transformation of anti-Semitism in West Prussia and Pomerania province in the years 1871-1939. "The paper presents the process of evolution of thought on the anti-Semitic German lands and its impact on Polish territory (West Prussia). After the establishment of the province of Pomerania in 1920, Polish anti-Semitism bears the hallmarks of anti-Jewish influence in Germany, however, has a strong Polish character specifically related to religion and folklore. In the further course of the work discussed is the process of transformation of anti-Semitism in Polish society and Pomerania his radicalization (the administration) until 1939."
Mateusz Pielka (Toruń), Sprawa posądzenia o mord rytualny w Skórczu w 1884 roku w świetle prasy. "In 1900, the German Empire was extremely shaken by a violent crime. To the east of the coun-try, in the province of West Prussia in the town of Chojnice (Ger. Konitz), a junior high school student, Ernst Winter, was murdered. The circumstances of the case and the manner of the crime led the local population to believe that the boy had been killed by the Jews in order to win his blood for ritual purposes. The accusation of the local Jewish population resulted in a rapid increase in the hostility of Christians (Germans and Poles) towards their Semitic neighbours. The lie about the guilt of the Jews quickly went through the entire province, and then reached the furthest cor-ners of Germany. In Chojnice, riots and numerous attacks on Jews and their property took place. Anti-Jewish excesses have spread rapidly in West Prussia. The course of the investigation and its relationship with the anti-Jewish riots was described by the main representative of the Polish press in West Prussia – Gazeta Toruńska."
Popularizing Anti-Semitism in Early Modern Spain and its Empire. Francisco de Torrejoncillo and the Centinela contra Judíos (1674). by François Soyer This book charts the history and influence of the most vitriolic and successful anti-Semitic polemic ever to have been printed in the early modern Hispanic world and offers the first critical edition and translation of the text into English. First printed in Madrid in 1674, the Centinela contra judíos (Sentinel against the Jews) was the work of the Franciscan Francisco de Torrejoncillo, who wrote it to defend the mission of the Spanish Inquisition, to call for the expansion of discriminatory racial statutes and, finally, to advocate in favour of the expulsion of all the descendants of converted Jews from Spain and its empire. Francisco de Torrejoncillo combined the existing racial, theological, social and economic strands within Spanish anti-Semitism to demonize the Jews and their converted descendants in Spain in a manner designed to provoke strong emotional responses from its readership. Research Interests: Early Modern History, Inquisition, Antisemitism (Prejudice), Jewish History, Spanish History, and 29 more
D. Tollet, Entre dogme et hérésie: l´antijudaisme. Le cas de l´accusation de crime rituel portée contre les juifs dans la chrétienté latine. by Giornale di Storia (Sapienza University of Roma) 2/2009 - MISCELLANEA. Research Interests: Antisemitism (Prejudice), Jewish ritual murder accusation, Confederazione Polacco-lituana, Benedetto XIV, and Clemente XIV. "L´attitude du monde catholique à l´égard du judaïsme n´est pas empreinte de simplicité et souvent, du point de vue de la doctrine chrétienne, elle se situe entre le dogme et l´hérésie. Ceci apparaît très nettement en ce qui concerne l´accusation de crime rituel portée par les chrétiens contre les Juifs et qui a pu autoriser l´assimilation du prétendu crime à un renouvellement de la crucifixion et des victimes aux martyrs du massacre des innocents. Cependant, à partir du Concile de Trente, l´Église romaine s´est efforcée de revenir à la saine doctrine, le point d´orgue étant constitué par le rapport de Laurent Ganganelli qui lavait les Juifs de ces accusations sans faire pour autant l´unanimité. Cette attitude n´a pas été celle de l´Église catholique polonaise où les cas d´accusations se sont répétés jusqu´à l´abolition de la torture par le roi Stanislas-Auguste mais la rumeur n´a pas disparu avant le Concile Vatican II."
Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, Okrzyki pogromowe. Szkice z antropologii historycznej Polski lat 19391946. "... najbardziej dramatyczne są historie dwóch partyzanckich oddziałów: AL „Świt” i AK „Wybranieckich” – oba bezlitośnie zabijały Żydów zgłaszających się na ochotnika do walki z Niemcami oraz ukrywających się po lasach, niekiedy dokonując egzekucji pod pozorem fikcyjnego wyroku sądu specjalnego za rzekomą współpracę z okupantem. Książka opowiada też dzieje relacji jednego z żołnierzy oddziału „Barabasza”, Ryszarda Maja, którego wstrząsająca opowieść o wykonywanych przez partyzantów egzekucjach Żydów nie została dotąd ujawniona."
Michał Bilewicz, Anna Stefaniak, Marta Witkowska,"Czy prawda nas wyzwoli". "Przywracanie pamięci wojennej, przede wszystkim zaś pamięci Zagłady, wzmogło zainteresowanie tematyką traumy. Dominowało przekonanie o katartycznym działaniu konfrontacji z mrocznymi kartami historii. Już w trakcie medialnej dyskusji wokół mordu w Jedwabnem niejednokrotnie pisano o "narodowej terapii", "katharsis", a nawet o "zbiorowej kozetce psychoanalityka". Jacek Leociak, wypowiadając się na temat książki Jana T. Grossa „Złote Żniwa”, dość jednoznacznie opisał terapeutyczny aspekt tej formy przedstawiania Holokaustu: "Metody, jakimi się posługuje, mogą być uznawane za drastyczne, ale to jak z elektrowstrząsami: psychiatria humanistyczna je krytykowała, jednak od lat 80. XX wieku znów się do nich powraca w leczeniu niektórych form depresji". Sąd ten, wynikający z naiwnych przekonań na temat zdrowia psychicznego, jest nie do końca zgodny ze współczesną wiedzą psychologiczną. To nie pełna prawda – lecz raczej konstruktywne iluzje i skrzywienia percepcyjne – są warunkiem dobrostanu psychicznego, co stwierdzono m.in. badając osoby straumatyzowane w katastrofach naturalnych, pacjentów z oddziałów nowotworowych i nosicieli wirusa HIV. W niniejszym artykule postaramy się pokazać, jak bardzo nieskuteczna okazuje się sama konfrontacja z prawdą historyczną oraz zastanowić nad potencjalnymi możliwościami przekazywania wiedzy historycznej o zbrodniach na Żydach, które uwzględniają podstawowe ludzkie motywacje oraz potrzeby psychologiczne – a zatem pozwalają wyjść poza „paradygmat elektrowstrząsów”."
Michał Bilewicz, Holocaust as the Prototype of Genocide. On Some Problems with the Modern State Crime Paradigm. "The Holocaust plays a prominent role in Americans’ representation of genocide. Mazur and Vollhardt (2015) show that for this population, the prototypical genocide is a systematic large‐scale racist killing, perpetrated by the modern state as part of war. Seeking the roots of such representations, this article reviews philosophical, historical, psychological, and sociological writings that put the modernization, civilization, authoritarianism, and state at the center of their theorizing about genocide. Such a “modern state crime” paradigm can lead to biased views of the nature of genocide, as well as of the psychological factors responsible for its occurrence."
Joanna Michlic, The Stigmatization of Dedicated Polish Women Rescuers during the Second World War and Its Aftermath. "This should be relevant to anybody working on the history of rescuers of Jews in Poland/Eastern Europe, gender, antisemitism and Holocaust genocide"
Michał Bilewicz, The Dark Side of Emotion Regulation: Historical Defensiveness as an Obstacle in Reconciliation"The main aim of this article is to explain potential mechanisms of historical defensiveness that constitute the downregulation process of collective guilt, shame, regret, and sense of responsibility. Such processes, if well functioning, are obviously detrimental to any post-conflict reconciliation efforts. Based on this model I suggest that successful reconciliation strategies not only should be based on emotion regulation, but they should also address identity, as a key antecedent of these emotions."
Michał Bilewicz, Sabina Cehajic-Clancy, Fostering Reconciliation Through Historical Moral Exemplars in a Postconflict Society. "Damaged intergroup relations in postconflict contexts marked by histories of war and human rights violations constitute a major obstacle to peace-building and reconciliation. In addition, intergroup relations tend to be affected by polarized narratives about the past that inhibit the positive consequences of ingroup contact. In this article, we examined the effects of a contact intervention containing narratives of moral exemplars on reconciliation processes in the postgenocide setting of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results from our 2 studies showed significant positive changes after the contact interventions that highlighted and focused on documented stories of individuals (moral exemplars) saving the lives of their adversaries. We found that focusing on moral exemplars increased reconciliatory beliefs due to enhanced forgiveness. The second study confirmed the positive effects of such interventions on more specific affective, cognitive and behavioral aspects of reconciliation among both former victims and perpetrators. We discuss the importance of the historical narratives used in intervention programs in postconflict settings and draw practical implications from our results."
Secondary traumatic stress
- Michał Bilewicz, Adrian Dominik Wojcik, Visiting Auschwitz: Evidence of Secondary Traumatization among High School Students. "Secondary traumatic stress has been intensively studied among survivors’ therapists, family members, and trauma researchers. We claim that people who are exposed to reminders of past traumatic experiences when visiting places of memory or museum exhibitions could also develop secondary trauma symptoms. Thus, scholars and practitioners must better understand how such places related to historical traumatization (e.g., Holocaust memorial sites) can affect the psychological well-being of visitors. The main aim of this quantitative longitudinal study was to assess the scale of secondary traumatization among visitors to such places. The study found that the syndrome of secondary traumatic stress was observed among 13.2% of high school visitors to the Auschwitz memorial museum. Longitudinal analysis revealed that empathic reactions to the visit in Auschwitz (e.g., a greater inclusion of victims into the self) were associated with higher levels of secondary traumatic stress levels 1 month after the visit. This study suggests that visits to places related to traumatic past events should be preceded by a more intense elaboration of Holocaust history and by proper psychological preparations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)""