Elijah Interfaith Institute: Inviting you to our weekly gathering, continuing our conversations on The Dignity of the Human Person: From Ideal to Realisation
15/02/2024 | Na stronie od 13/02/2024

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute
The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem
Invite you to our weekly gathering, continuing our conversations on
The Dignity of the Human Person: From Ideal to Realisation
Dr Sallie King in conversation with Peta Jones Pellach.
Dr Sallie King, is a Quaker and Buddhist, she is Professor Emerita of Philosophy and Religion at James Madison University and Affiliated Faculty, Professor of Buddhist Studies, Department of Theology, Georgetown University. She is the author, co-editor or translator of numerous works on Buddhism, Engaged Buddhism, Buddhist-Christian dialogue, interfaith dialogue, and the cross-cultural philosophy of religion.
Dr Sallie King (Buddhist, USA) Responses and prayers from Christian, Muslim and Jewish teachers, Murray Kofi Johnston, Ghassan Manasra and Hanna Yaffe.
Jewish prayer offered by Hanna Yaffe
Muslim prayer offered by Ghassan Manasra
Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach
Join on Zoom. All welcome.
- Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
- Passcode: 039533
- Pacific time: 7 am
- ET time: 10 am
- London time: 3 pm
- Central European time: 4 pm
- Jerusalem time: 5 pm
- India time: 8:30 pm