50-lecie "Nostra aetate" w Watykanie
15/12/2015 | Na stronie od 15/12/2015
- IV.2015. Meeting celebrating 50 years of Jewish-Catholic relations is first time that a Conference of European Rabbis delegation is received at Vatican.
- VI.2015. Address to the International Council of Christians and Jews delivered at the Sala Clementina in the Vatican during the ICCJ's 2015 conference in Rome on "The 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate: The Past, Present, and Future of the Christian-Jewish Relationship."
- 30.VII.2015. Saint Josephs Delegation Meets with Pope Francis during the four-day ICCJ conference. - A delegation of Saint Josephs University professors and 262 other leaders in interreligious relations traveled to Rome for the annual conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ). Led by Philip A. Cunningham, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at SJU and president of the ICCJ, the meeting featured a private audience with Pope Francis.
- 26-28.X.2015Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews International Conference 50th Anniversary of "Nostra Aetate", Rome. Program:
- John Paul II Center
- 16.V.2012 KURT CARDINAL KOCH Building on Nostra aetate: 50 Years of ChristianJewish Dialogue (more: Lecture at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, John Paul II Center, Rome, 16 May 2012.)
- 6.V.2015 together with The Milstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue of The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS): Annual Lecture "50 Years of Nostra Aetate." Timothy Cardinal Dolan: "The Dream of Nostra Aetate Becomes Reality" - tekst.
"50 Years of Jewish-Catholic Dialogue" A Lecture by Mordechay Lewy, Immediate Past Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See.
- 10.XII.2015. Watykan. "Kościół katolicki nie przewiduje jakiejkolwiek instytucjonalnej misji skierowanej ku Żydom" Ogłoszenie nowego dokumentu Komisji ds. Kontaktów Religijnych z Judaizmem Papieskiej Rady ds. Popierania Jedności Chrześcijan z okazji 50. rocznicy Nostra aetate: "Bo dary łaski i wezwanie Boże są nieodwołalne" (Rz 11,29)(En). Udział wzięli przedstawiciele judaizmu: dyrektor wydziału spraw zagranicznych Komitetu Żydów Amerykańskich, rabin David Rosen oraz Edward Kessler, założyciel i dyrektor Woolf Institute w Wielkiej Brytanii. Wystąpienia. Więcej: "Kociół nie przewiduje żadnej misji wobec Żydów".