Peace in times of Conflict

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Source: International Conference for Dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims
The JCM conference exists to promote dialogue, understanding and solidarity amongst Jews, Christians and Muslims**.

History of JCM

16 - 22 June 2025
Haus Wasserburg, Vallendar

The Abrahamic interfaith dialogue has been damaged and threatened by the violent attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and the - at the time this is being written - ongoing war in Gaza. Of course for most Jews, Christians and Muslims whatever happens in the Holy Land has a special significance and is a challenge to their religious self-conception and ability to move forward. No matter what you call it and where it takes place, violent conflict between or within nations, peoples and religious groups is a challenge for religious communities that believe in God and God's presence and guidance in this world. How can we remain faithful to our religious commitments and obligations to promote respect, love and compassion, to bear witness to a God who cares for all of us and creation?

Both secular and religious groups in conflicts in many parts of the world have - sometimes with little notice paid by the rest of the world - witnessed and worked for peace and reconciliation. What can we learn from those initiatives and the search for peace and justice in other conflicts? (Small) groups of people have come together across religious divides and are looking for ways forward together. What are their motivations? What methods and principles have they developed? What can we absorb into our dialogue efforts?

JCM Conference 2025 will try to evaluate the experience of people who live and have lived in and through violent conflicts and address the challenges that war and violence pose to the dialogue table. ​ Our target group includes students and teachers, as well as all those interested in, and actively committed to, dialogue amongst the three Abrahamic faiths.

Conference languages are German and English (with translations into Hebrew and Arabic). All content will be translated.

If there is sufficient interest, we will offer parts of the conference for online participants.

It is our hope to make the conference financially accessible to all. We offer the following room options (cost is per person):

  • Single room with en-suite bathroom - EUR 550
  • Single room with shared bathroom - EUR 490
  • Double room with en-suite bathroom - EUR 450
  • Double room with shared bathroom - EUR 380
  • Multi-occupancy room with shared bathroom - EUR 265
  • Reduced rate for students, unemployed and those on low income - EUR 200

The rate includes six nights accommodation, full board and the conference programme.




JCM explores problems that all three religions are confronted with. As we reflect on those issues, we are able to determine our similarities and accept each others differences.

Since JCM is based on trust and respect towards the other, we abstain from making common statements or resolutions. All participants are invited to bring their personal experiences back to their communities.

The vitality of the conference is especially achieved by the lectures, the debate in various discussion groups and forums, as well as through creative work in small project groups which include, art, drama and text studies.

At the end of the week the services of each religion are celebrated and every participant is invited to participate in those ceremonies as as far as he wishes or feels able to. Apart from the services there are also times of meditation and the possibility of the study of each religion's most important texts.

The JCM conferences are organised by a team which consists of representatives of all three religions in order to meet the specific needs and sensibilities of each religious community, especially in respect of food and times of prayer. Still, mistakes are inevitable, therefore every participant is invited to tell his/her concerns to one of the team members. JCM is organised by volunteers.

JCM conferences are open to participants of all three religions as far as they are willing to engage in a dialogue which is based on respect, openness and responsibility towards the Other.

Aims of the JCM Conference

The JCM conference exists to promote dialogue, understanding and solidarity amongst members of the three Abrahamic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We strive to ensure that dialogue can occur in all elements of the conference, both structured and unstructured. We work on the assumption that this dialogue is best achieved through personal encounter between individuals in a safe and respectful environment. In such an environment all participants agree to take responsibility for maintaining the norms of behaviour which have made up the "culture" of the conference over the years:

  • moderation in expressing opinions and interpersonal behaviour
  • openness to discussing political issues in a contained and structured environment
  • respect for the integrity of each religious tradition Participants of the conference speak for themselves alone. They are not representatives of their faith, their community, nation or ethnic group.