JCRelations.net: March edition online
This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
02/03/2025 | Na stronie od 03/03/2025

Source: ICCJ
March edition online
More: JCRelations February 2025
This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: March contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
JCRelations March 2025
- English: - Silvia Richter: “One Ought to Pray, Day and Night, for the Thousands”: Etty Hillesum’s Approach to Prayer and Hasidic Thought. Article
- English: - Raphael Jospe: The Guide and its Guide: A review essay. Book reviews
- German: - Norbert Reck: Kein jüdisches Problem. Beobachtungen zum Verständnis von Homosexualität in Judentum und Christentum. Artikel
- German: Bernd Feininger: Die Pharisäer. Geschichte und Bedeutung. Rezension.
- French: Jean Duhaime: Témoigner pour les Juifs. Une parole catholique. Recensions de livres
- Spanish: Conferencia Episcopal Francesa de France: A nuestros amigos, hermanas y hermanos judíos. Declaraciones
- Russian: Татьяна Хижая: Геры, гиюр и прозелитизм в иудейской традиции и истории: основные подходы, проблемы, тенденции. Научные
English articles:
- Silvia Richter: “One Ought to Pray, Day and Night, for the Thousands”: Etty Hillesum’s Approach to Prayer and Hasidic Thought. Article
- Raphael Jospe: The Guide and its Guide: A review essay. Book reviews
- Israeli Jesuit David Neuhaus: The plan to remove Palestinians from Gaza feels like a kick in the stomach. Report
- Diocese of Westminster: Cardinal Welcomes Historic Muslim-Jewish Accords. Report
- Rafael Rodríguez: Judaism for Gentiles. Book reviews
German articles:
- Norbert Reck: Kein jüdisches Problem. Beobachtungen zum Verständnis von Homosexualität in Judentum und Christentum. Artikel
- Bischof Manfred Scheuer: Wer sind wir im Angesicht des Judentums? 60 Jahre Nostra aetate. Artikel
- Vatican News: Tag des Judentums: Gegen Antisemitismus, für Frieden. Bericht
- Mario Galgano: Jüdische Stimmen gegen Trumps Gaza-Plan. Bericht
- Bernd Feininger: Die Pharisäer. Geschichte und Bedeutung. Rezension
French articles:
- Agence Fides: Le jésuite israélien David Neuhaus: «Le projet d’expulser les Palestiniens de Gaza est pour moi comme un coup de pied dans l’estomac». Comptes-rendus
- Jean Duhaime: Témoigner pour les Juifs. Une parole catholique. Recensions de livres