Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity | Thursday September 5th, 6pm

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Source: Praying Together in Jerusalem

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

PTIJ - Praying Together in Jerusalem and FAFI - Friends Across Faiths Initiative invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, continuing our series on:

The Friendship Declaration
The Friendship Declaration is the fruit of work of more than 60 world religious leaders, affiliated with the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders . Over the course of multiple meetings, the following declaration has emerged as an agreed-upon text, along with supporting materials. We share this with you and ask for the further endorsement of this text by religious leaders worldwide. As FAFI launches, we will be featuring video teachings on friendship across faiths, offered by premier religious leaders in support of the declaration and our initiative. As part of FAFI’s ongoing work, we will be gathering and distributing additional teachings and testimonies from members.....

Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity

This week Shelagh Shalev will teach about the Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, Thích Nhất Hạnh, and his understanding of the Dignity of the Human Person.

Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach and hosted by Sr Rita Kammermeyer.

Shelagh Shalev, Israel
Shelagh Shalev (Chan Bao An) is a Dharma teacher in the Plum Village lineage of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) since 2010. Almost thirty years ago Shelagh discovered Buddhist wisdom as taught by Thay and knew right away that what she had learned would transform her life. Seeing his peaceful presence in walking, talking, eating was transformative. Shelagh was born in Ireland and has lived in Israel since 1970 where she is actively engaged in sharing the teachings through sanghas, mindfulness courses and retreats. Grandmother of six.

The discussion will be followed by Christian, Muslim, and Jewish prayers, and a meditation led by Shelagh Shalev.

  • Christian prayer offered by Rev Dr Stewart Gillan
  • Jewish prayer offered by Hanna Yaffe
  • Muslim prayer offered by Fadwa Kirrish
  • Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach

All welcome.

  • Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
  • Passcode: 039533
  • Pacific time: 8 am
  • ET time: 11 am
  • London time: 4 pm
  • Central European time: 5 pm
  • Jerusalem time: 6 pm
  • India time: 8 pm

Added 09.06.2024