The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

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Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute, (FB)

PTIJ invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, continuing our series on:

Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity

Sukhbir Singh, UK Sukhbir Singh was born in Kenya and moved to the UK in 1963. He became the International Events Coordinator for Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (UK), organizing numerous events and representing the organization at various international forums, including the Parliament of the World’s Religions and the European Council for Religions of Peace. Additionally, he served as a trustee and executive member for several organizations, including the Elijah Interfaith Institute and the British Sikh Consultative Forum. As an interfaith activist and educator of Sikh scripture, he also played roles in the executive committees of Sangat Television and the Museum of World Religions.

The discussion will be followed by Christian, Muslim, Sikh and Jewish prayers.

  • Muslim prayer offered by Fadwa Kirrish
  • Jewish prayer offered by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
  • Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach

Join on Zoom

All welcome.

  • Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
  • Passcode: 039533
  • Pacific time: 8 am
  • ET time: 11 am
  • London time: 4 pm
  • Central European time: 5 pm
  • Jerusalem time: 6 pm
  • India time: 8 pm

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Added 15.08.2024, 19:00