The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem
01/08/2024 | Na stronie od 29/07/2024

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute
As part of the summer school program, Praying Together in Jerusalem will feature Rabbi Reuven Kimmelman teaching about Abraham Joshua Heschel, followed by Chistian, Muslim and Jewish prayers, live at St Peter of Gallicantu on Mt Zion. More details will follow.
The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem
PTIJ and FAFI invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, continuing our series on:
Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity
This week Rabbi Reuven Kimelman will teach about the contribution of Avraham Heschel to the understanding of the Dignity of the Human Person.
Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach.
Rabbi Reuven Kimelman is a Professor of Jewish Studies, Bandeis University. Specializes in the history of Judaism with a focus on the history and poetics of the Jewish liturgy. He has written on the interaction between Judaism and Christianity in antiquity and modernity. He is also interested in the thematic connections between Greek and Biblical literature from Homer to Plato and from Genesis to Matthew.
The discussion will be followed by Christian, Muslim and Jewish prayers, offered by Montserrat Coll Capdevila, Fadwa Kirrish, and Hanna Yaffe.
- Music by Mohammed Zatra and Ivor Lunzer.
- Christian prayer offered by Montserrat Coll Capdevila
- Muslim prayer offered by Fadwa Kirrish
- Jewish prayer offered by Hanna Yaffe
Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach
Close to old city, Sant-Peter in Gallicantu is located at few meters from Zion gate. Ma’aleh Hashalom – Mont Sion.