International Conference 2024 - Holocaust Education in a Global Context

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Source: Yad Vashem

The application process for the 11th International Conference for Educators at Yad Vashem has begun. We remain optimistic that conditions will allow us to hold the conference. We continue to plan and look forward to greeting you in Jerusalem in July. Subsidy request forms will be accepted until February 28, 2024.

For further questions, please feel free to contact us at

The 11th International Conference on Holocaust Education July 1 – 4

Monday – July 1

15:30-17:30 Optional Guided Tours:

Holocaust History Museum – Liz Elsby & Sarah Levy Art Museum, Campus, Book of Names David & Fela Shapell Family Collections Center (Artifacts Collection) Opening

17:30 Enrollment/registration

18:00-18:45 Reception

19:00 Opening Ceremony MC Dr. Noa Mkayton, Director, Overseas Education and Training Department, International Institute for Holocaust Education, Yad Vashem

Opening Remarks

  • Dani Dayan, Chairman of Yad Vashem

Opening Lecture: Education and the Holocaust

  • Dr. Gilad Olshtein, Director, International Institute for Holocaust Education, Yad Vashem

Introduction: Holocaust Education in Today's World Dr. Birte Hewera, Sheryl Ochayon, Yad Vashem

20:15-21:00 Musical Performance- The Shalva Band The Shalva Band is comprised of eight talented musicians and vocalists with disabilities who began their journey at the Shalva (Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities) National Center in Jerusalem.

Tuesday – July 2

The Jewish Kehilah (Community) in a World of Crisis MC Sheryl Ochayon

09:10-09:15 Tziona Koenig-Yair, Associate Executive Vice President, Claims Conference, Israel

09:15-09:45 Strength and Vulnerability of the Community in the Diaspora Rabbi Dr Benny Lau, Scholar, author, founder of 929 Initiative

09:50-11:00 The Role of the Kehilah Before and During the Holocaust Prof. Guy Miron, Open University of Israel

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 Pedagogical Workshops

The Walls Tell Stories: Jewish Cultural Life in the Vilna Ghetto Sarah Levy, Yad Vashem Moderator: Yael Eaglstein "Talking Yiddish to Chickens" – A Student Project about Chicken Farms Established in New Jersey by Holocaust Survivors Prof. Michael Hayse & Irvin Moreno-Rodriguez, Stockton University, USA Moderator: Sheryl Ochayon Cycles of Remembrance: Tracing the Lost Culture and Social Fabric of Pre-War Dutch Jewish Communities through Artifacts Daniel Rozenga, Yad Vashem Moderator: Miriam Mouryc Oneg Shabbat: Who Will Write Our History? The Underground Archive from the Warsaw Ghetto Shlomit Dunkelblum-Steiner, Yad Vashem Moderator: Deborah Braff Mayer The German Jewish Community’s Response to the Rise of Nazism 1933-1939 Rabbi Moshe Cohn, Yad Vashem Moderator: Dr. Gad Marcus 13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Pedagogical Workshops

From Ghetto Boy to Rocket Man. The Story of Avraham Peter, a Teenage Survivor of the Lodz Ghetto Who Helped Bring Apollo 13 Safely Home Lori Gerson,Yad Vashem Moderator: Rabbi Moshe Cohn Bialystok – A Glimpse into a Vibrant Pre-war Jewish Community Julian Tsapir, Yad Vashem Moderator: Dr. Noa Mkayton Windows to a Lost World: Pedagogical Perspectives on Jewish Pre-war Life Shani Lourie-Farhi, Yad Vashem Moderator: Deborah Braff Mayer
They Say There is a Land: A ready2print Exhibition about Zionism Before and During the Holocaust Shlomit Dunkelblum-Steiner, Yad Vashem Moderator: Dr. Gad Marcus Exploring Jewish Life Before the War: The Azrieli Foundation’s Re: Collection Jody Spiegel, Director, Azrieli Foundation’s Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program, Azrieli Foundation, Canada Moderator: Yoni Berrous Teaching about Solidarity and Resilience: Holocaust Education in Primary Schools
Dr. Yael Richler-Friedman, Pedagogical Director, Yad Vashem Moderator: Ariel Nahmias

15:30-16:00 Break or bus back to hotel

16:00-17:30 Optional Panel: Today's Kehilah: Jewish Communities in Israel and Abroad Post October 7th Moderator: Yiftach Meiri, Yad Vashem

Panelists: Kibbutz Nir-Oz: Crisis, Destruction and Continuation Liat Atsili, Kibbutz Nir-Oz, Teacher at Nofey HaB'sor High-School, Guide at Yad Vashem

Jewish Communities of the Diaspora Post October 7th Rabbi James Kennard, Israel Representative, Gandel Foundation, Former Principal, Mt. Scopus Memorial College, Melbourne, Australia

Solidarity and Resilience: The Response of a Community in Israel to the Massacre Yael Friedson, Siach Yitzchak Synagogue Community, Journalist, Jerusalem

“Wrapping Memory”: Commemoration of the Attacked Israeli Communities Amit Trainin, Illustrator, Head, Illustration Section, Bezalel Visual Communications Department, Jerusalem

Wednesday – July 3

The Holocaust in a Global Context MC Sheryl Ochayon

09:00-10:00 Panel: Competing Memories Chairperson: Jody Spiegel, Azrieli Foundation Panelists: Prof. Havi Dreifuss, Yad Vashem, Tel Aviv University Dr. Roni Mikel-Arieli, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Paul Salmons, Curator, Pedagogue, education consultant, Paul Salmons Associates, UK. Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Fellow, USHMM

10:00-10:30 Lecture: Teaching the Holocaust in a Global Context Dr. Noa Mkayton, Yad Vashem

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Short Presentations followed by Discussions

“The Only Thing Left Is to See Our Ghetto as Musa Dagh” Memories of the Armenian Genocide During the Holocaust – Dr. Rocco Giansante, Yad Vashem Moderator: Eliana Rapp-Badihi Remembering the Holocaust in Apartheid South Africa – Dr. Roni Mikel-Arieli, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Moderator: Marina Goldinstein Teaching About the Genocide of the Roma – (Newest guidelines of IHRA about teaching the Roma genocide, and how they correspond to the guidelines YV has developed for teaching the Holocaust) – Misko Stanisic, Terraforming, Serbia Moderator: Miriam Mouryc Insights from a Global Program of Holocaust and Genocide Education – Paul Salmons, Curator, pedagogue, education consultant, Paul Salmons Associates, UK.; Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Fellow, USHMM Moderator: Yiftach Meiri BEFEM Research Project: Intergenerational Family Narratives about the Nazi System and the Holocaust in Germany's Multiethnic Society – Peter-Erwin Jansen, University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, Germany Moderator: Dr. Birte Hewera ’Fighting for the Whole World’ - Lower Saxony under Nazi Rule” – Dr. Elke Gryglewski, Lower Saxony Memorials Foundation/Bergen-Belsen Memorial, Niedersachsen, Germany Moderator: Dr. Gad Marcus

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Holocaust Education and New Media

13:00-14:00 Short Presentations: Moderator: Yoni Berrous

  • Media, Brain and Behavior
    Prof. Radek Ptáček, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age: Case Study of a Virtual Tour in Auschwitz-Birkenau
    Dr. Noam Tirosh, Ben Gurion University
  • Sharing Our Story on All Platforms: Digital Content and Social Media at the National Library of Israel Nati Gabbay, Head of Digital Content, The National Library of Israel
  • Listening to the Voices of Those Who Were There: Educational Perspectives Shani Lourie-Farhi, Yad Vashem

14:15-15:15 Breakout Sessions: The Use of AI and Social Media in Holocaust Education




Yoni Berrous


Rabbi Moshe Cohn


Yael Eaglstein


Daniel Rozenga


Mirjam Limbrunner


Sarah Levy


Katarzyna Czerwonogora

303- Spanish

Yechiel Chilewski

15:15-15:30 Break

15:30-16:30 Conclusion: How Do We Proceed from Here? Criteria for the Use of AI and Social Media in Holocaust Education Dr. Yael Richler-Friedman, Pedological Director, Yad Vashem

Thursday – July 4

When Antisemitism Challenges Holocaust Education MC Sheryl Ochayon

09:00-09:30 Revealing the Masks of Hatred: Facing Antisemitism Today Dani Dayan, Chairman of Yad Vashem

09:30-10:45 Educators' and Students' Perspectives on Antisemitism Post October 7th Chairperson: Mark Weitzman, COO, World Jewish Restitution Organization

  • Mitchell Kalin, Teacher, Leavitt Middle School, Nevada, USA
  • Rebecca Stucker, Malmo, Sweden
  • Prof. Eileen Lyon, The State University of New York at Fredonia, USA
  • Orli Barnett, Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre, South Africa Response: Mark Weitzman

10:45-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-12:45 Pedagogical Tools for Teaching about Current Antisemitism: Breakout Sessions

Contemporary Neo-Nazism Prof. Christer Mattsson, Director, Segerstedt Institute, The University of Gothenburg, Sweden Moderator: Yiftach Meiri Teaching about Current Antisemitism Lori Gerson, Yad Vashem Moderator: Yael Eaglstein Awareness to Action Kira Simon, ADL, USA Moderator: Sarah Levy A Strategy for Prevention of Extremism Asmen Ilhan, MIND Prevention, Germany Moderator: Dr. Birte Hewera 12:45-13:45 Lunch

Concluding Ceremony in Memory of Izzy and Babs Asper

Opening Remarks: Shai Abramson, Israel Representative, The Asper Foundation, Israel

13:45-14:45 Lecture: Today's Antisemitism and Holocaust Education in a Post-October 7th Reality Dr. Michal Cotler-Wunsh, LL.B, LL.M

14:45-15:15 Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen in conversation with Prof. Aharon Barak, Holocaust survivor

15:15-15:45 Musical Performance: Idan Raichel