Bringing Light into Darkness
06/06/2024 | Na stronie od 05/06/2024

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute
The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and
Praying Together in Jerusalem
PTIJ and FAFI invite you to join us our in-person gathering of learning and prayers, beginning of a new series on the theme of:
Bringing Light into Darkness
Join us on Thursday 6th June at 6:00 pm Jerusalem time in-person at the Paulus-Haus or on Zoom, for our gathering of learning and prayers, beginning a mini-series: "Bringing Light into Darkness"
We will be introducing this topic by hearing from a range of speakers; including Dr. Ralf Rothenbusch, Hanna Yaffe, Rev Stewart Gillan, Nivine Sandouka and Peta Jones Pellach.
- Dr Ralf Rothenbusch (Christian, Jeruslam)
- Hanna Yaffe (Jewish, Israel)
- Rev Stewart Gillan (Church of England, Jerusalem)
- Nivine Sandouka
- (Muslim, Jerusalem)
- Peta Jones Pellach
- (Jewish, Elijah Interfaith Institute)
- Followed by Christian, Muslim and Jewish songs prayers.
- Ivor Lunzer
- (Jewish, Israel)
- Mohammed Zatra
- (Muslim, Jerusalem)
If you come to us with your car or rental car, you must register the license plate number of the vehicle with us as soon as you know it. The entrance to Nablus Road is blocked by bollards that lower when the camera recognizes the number plate.
Access is only possible from the east. If you are coming from West Jerusalem, go past the Damascus Gate to the next roundabout and from there in the opposite direction to the entrance of Nablus Road, which turns right opposite the Damascus Gate (before the traffic lights).
The entrance to our compound is the first gate on the right. Please ring at the gate so we can open it for you. If you need help entering, please get in touch.
- Join on Zoom
- All welcome.
- Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
- Passcode: 039533
- Pacific time: 8 am
- ET time: 11 am
- London time: 4 pm
- Central European time: 5 pm
- Jerusalem time: 6 pm
- India time: 8:30 pm
- Donate to Elijah