The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom"

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Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute (FB)

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

PTIJ and FAFI invite you to join us for our weekly gathering of learning and prayers, beginning a new mini-series:

The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom"

(Please note that we have moved to one hour later in honour of summer time, to experience our prayers at sunset).

Dr. Antje Jackelén will offer a Christian teaching based on Luther's 'The Freedom of the Christian', in conversation with Peta Jones Pellach.

Dr. Antje Jackelén
(Christian, Sweden)
Dr. Antje Jackelén was the Archbishop and Primate of the Church of Sweden 2014-2022 and before that bishop of the diocese of Lund. She was a professor of Systematic Theology/Religion and Science at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA, from 2001 to 2007. She currently works as a senior advisor at Lund University, Sweden. Her research interests include the dialogue between science and theology, the role of religion in society as well as ecumenism and interfaith dialogue. Her most recent books are God is Greater: Theology for the World (2020) and Otålig i hoppet (‘Impatient in hope – theological reflections in the wake of the pandemic’) (2020). Her international engagements have included the office of Nordic Vice President of the Lutheran World Federation (2017-2023) and Co-president of Religions for Peace (2019-2023). She now serves on the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches.

Follow by Christian, Muslim and Jewish prayers offered by Sr Rita Kammermayer, Fauzia Chanda, and Rabbi Eliyahu McLean.

  • Christian prayer offered by Sr Rita Kammermayer
  • Muslim prayer offered by Fauzia Chanda
  • Jewish prayer offered by Rabbi Eliyahu McLean

Moderated by
Peta Jones Pellach
Join on Zoom

All welcome.

  • Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
  • Passcode: 039533
  • Pacific time: 8 am
  • ET time: 11 am
  • London time: 4 pm
  • Central European time: 5 pm
  • Jerusalem time: 6 pm
  • India time: 8:30 pm

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