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Source: Tikvah
What is Tikvah?
Tikvah is a non-profit ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Tikvah runs and invests in a wide range of initiatives in Israel, the United States, and around the world, including educational programs, publications, and fellowships. We invite you to explore some of these initiatives through the links on this page.
Our animating mission and guiding spirit is to advance Jewish excellence and Jewish flourishing in the modern age. Tikvah is politically Zionist, economically free-market oriented, culturally traditional, and theologically open-minded. Yet in all issues and subjects, we welcome vigorous debate and big arguments. Our institutes, programs, and publications all reflect this spirit of bringing forward the serious alternatives for what the Jewish future should look like, and bringing Jewish thinking and leaders into conversation with Western political, moral, and economic thought.
Click here to view our first-ever annual report: an-depth review of every Tikvah program, publication, and initiative in both the United States and Israel.
What is the Tikvah Center?
The Tikvah Center is an educational center in midtown Manhattan that offers opportunities to study Jewish thought and history, war and statesmanship, economics and public policy, and social thought with renowned thinkers and public figures. The Tikvah Center welcomes individuals of varying ages and background who wish to engage in intensive study of and passionate debate about the most pressing issues facing the Jewish people, and the Jewish State. The Tikvah Center offers educational programs for high school, gap-year, and college students; the yeshiva community; and professionals; as well as the occasional public lecture and event.
Tikvah Summer Student Opportunities
Tikvah runs a number of programs in the summer, when current high school and university students are most able to attend. College students and recent graduates can attend either our eight-week Summer Fellowship, which includes both classroom and internship components, or one of our many two-week Summer Seminars, which consider a variety of topics in Jewish ideas and affairs. In both programs, participants study curricula that ask fundamental questions about the human condition, the meaning of the family, the virtues of statesmanship, and the good society. Fellowship students build on this foundation to address practical political and cultural issues in a hands-on internship.
Tikvah also offers a summer program for high school students and recent high school graduates, held at Yale University, called The Tikvah Summer Institute for High School Students. In this seminar, students learn with outstanding university professors and public intellectuals about the most enduring precepts of political economy, social thought, and political philosophy, all in conversation with the uniquely Jewish contributions to our understanding of the human person and the human good.
Tikvah Overseas Student Institute
The Tikvah Overseas Student Institute hosts seminars, workshops, and courses for yeshiva, midrasha, and other post-high school students studying in Israel. The educational programs that make up the institute supplement gap-year curricula by providing intimate settings for interdisciplinary study, dialogue, and camaraderie with other select students. By exposing participants to great texts, intellectuals, and activists, the institute aims to inspire the next generation of thinkers who can lead the Jewish community, informed by Jewish values and ideas, as we confront the great questions of our times.
Tikvah Institutes for the Yeshiva Community
Tikvah offers institutes for men and women in the yeshiva community interested in exploring the relationship of Torah Jewry to the greatest political questions of our time and to the challenges that traditional Jewish men and women face in contemporary American society. Seminars explore a range of topics, moving from fundamental questions of moral and political thought to concrete issues of communal and public policy in America.
Tikvah Advanced Institutes
The Tikvah Advanced Institutes aim to provide accomplished professionals from around the globe the opportunity to study big ideas, great texts, and current issues with some of the world’s leading thinkers and practitioners. The seminars range from one to three weeks in length.
The institutes focus on four large intellectual areas:
(1) War and Statesmanship, exploring both the ethical questions and strategic dilemmas that confront modern leaders;
(2) Economics and Public Policy, including both the foundational ideas of democratic capitalism and the concrete policy issues shaping how free societies govern themselves;
(3) Jewish Thought and History, probing both the biblical and Jewish views of human nature and culture, as well as the great leaders and key debates that have shaped Jewish history and the Jewish State; and
(4) Social Thought, bringing the most penetrating analyses—ancient and modern, normative and empirical—to bear on the conditions necessary for human flourishing in the context of family, city, and nation.
The larger aim of the institutes is to inspire new knowledge and greater thoughtfulness for participants to bring back with them to their careers and communities; to create a network of leaders—young and old—who work with Tikvah and with each other to advance the interests of the Jewish people and the Jewish State; and to provide a gateway for men and women looking to take a major new step or pursue a significant new direction in their careers and in their lives.
Tikvah Publications
The Tikvah Fund supports a number of publications that focus on Jewish thought and Jewish letters.
- The Jewish Review of Books is a quarterly print magazine of reviews and essays.
- Mosaic publishes long form monthly essays on philosophical and political questions at the core of the modern Jewish condition.
- Hashiloach is a Hebrew-language bi-monthly collection of long-form quality essays on different policy issues.
- Tzarich Iyun is a weekly Hebrew-language journal focusing on issues relating to Haredi society in Israel.
- The Library of Jewish Ideas is a book series jointly published with our partners at Princeton University Press. The Library of Jewish Ideas offers engaging, concise, and authoritative treatments of the most important Jewish ideas in studies designed to appeal to both academic and popular audiences.
- Tikvah houses the archives of Azure, a quarterly journal published by the Shalem Center from 1996 to 2012.