Muzeum POLIN - 80. rocznica wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim
16/04/2023 | Na stronie od 16/04/2023

Program obchodów PDF
Akcja Żonkile 2023: program obchodów
"Nie bądź obojętny. 80. rocznica powstania w getcie warszawskim".
Program obchodów – materiały prasowe
Wydarzenia, które w 2023 r. Muzeum POLIN przygotowało w ramach całorocznych obchodów 80. rocznicy wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim odbywających się pod hasłem "Nie bądź obojętny".
Wystawa "Wokół nas morze ognia. Losy żydowskich cywilów podczas powstania w getcie warszawskim", 18/04/2023.
Wyjątkowe odkrycie – klisze z powstania w getcie – materiały prasowe
Jana Karskiego zagra David Straithairn, nominowany do Oscara za film Good night and Good Luck, znany także z filmów Lincoln i Nomadland.
"European Jews Facing the Imminence of the Holocaust", 23/04/2023.
The conference’s aim is to identify and describe the Jewish experience of life amidst the imminent threat of destruction during the Holocaust. The conference marks the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
In the summer of 1941, Nazi Germany began systematically murdering Europe’s Jews. At first, there were mass executions of civilians in the East, followed by deportations to extermination camps established in occupied Poland. At times, rumors and reports about the mass murders made it clear to the Jews that they were facing a nearly inescapable death sentence. The aim of the conference is to identify and describe Jewish experience of life amidst the imminent threat of destruction. How did information about mass killings spread? How did Jews adapt to extreme conditions? What was their day-to-day life like under these conditions? What were their experiences and emotions and awareness of their further fate?