Interreligious Perspectives on Global Solidarity and Caring for the Other
Elijah Summer School and Interreligious Training Seminar.
01/08/2021 | Na stronie od 05/07/2021

From: Elijah Interfaith Institute
Elijah Interfaith Institute: We are sorry to announce that Covid-19 has made its return to Israel, and with it, the extension of closure of borders. As a result, we will not be able to hold week 2 of our summer school program. The good news, however, is that a lovely global interfaith community is coming together around week 1 of the program. We encourage you to join us from August 1-August 5 for a unique interreligious learning opportunity.
- If you are seeking to deepen your involvement and knowledge in the interfaith world,
- if you have always wanted to join Elijah's Jerusalem Summer School program, but could never afford the trip,
- if you are looking for an exciting way to broaden your horizons and enrich your spirit with the wisdom of religions
we have an offer that is just right for you. Without having to travel, you can spend a week of intense study and dialogue with world religious leaders, scholars and fellow students in the internationally acclaimed Elijah Summer School and Interreligious Training Seminar.
August 1-5, 2021 on Zoom
Interreligious Perspectives on Global Solidarity and Caring for the Other
Using diverse methodologies including text study (“chevruta”), lectures, open discussions and Bibliodrama, we will explore the imperative to care for each other and the environment, and the role of religions in dealing with global issues.
Teachers include
- Prof. Karma Lekshe Tsomo (USA)
- Patriarch Sahak II Mashalian (Turkey)
- Imam Faisal Rauf (USA)
- Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg (UK)
- Professor David Ford (UK)
- Rabbi Art Green (Israel)
- Imam Plemon al-Amin (USA)
- Professor Katherine Marshall (USA)
- Imam Yahya (Italy)
- Swami Shubamritananda (India)
- and many more
Facilitated by Alon Goshen-Gottstein and Peta Jones Pellach.
Details of the program and registration are available at:<<<
"We look forward to seeing you soon on zoom."
Shalom-Salam-Pax et Bonum