Next Coronaspection Event
Invitation to an International Interfaith Online Meeting - June 4, 11 am EDT, 6 pm Israel time
04/06/2020 | Na stronie od 28/05/2020

From: The Elijah Interfaith Institute
Join us for our next edition of Coronaspection, jointly held with Praying Together in Jerusalem on Thursday, June 4. The subject of our teaching and prayer session will be: Houses of Worship and COVID-19.
We will hear from three Elijah leaders what is the need for a house of worship, what are the implications of its closing, and what are aspirations as houses of prayer open up again. Is closing houses of worship only a bad thing? What can we take away as beneficial lessons from this period? We will be listening to:
Rabbi David Rosen, Israel, is the Director of the Department for Interreligious Affairs and Director of the Heilbrunn Institute for International Interreligious Understanding of the American Jewish Committee. Rosen is the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland and served as a Professor of Jewish Studies at the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. He serves on the permanent bilateral commission of the State of Israel and the Holy See as well as on the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations.
Dr. Maria Reis Habito, USA, is the International Program Director of the Museum of World Religions and the Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute USA. She studied Chinese Language and Culture at Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, and received her M.A. in Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies and Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich. She was a research fellow at Kyoto University and completed her Ph.D. at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet. Dr. Reis Habito represents Dharma Master Hsin Tao on the steering committee.
Swami Amarananda, Geneva is the Director of the Centre Védantique in Geneva. Shortly after receiving a Civil Engineering degree, he joined the Order of Ramakrishna in 1966. He sat on the Committee of World Faiths Development Dialogue (1998-2000), and the Interreligious Platform, Geneva since its inception. Swami Amarananda participated in European peace meetings under the auspices of Sant’Egidio and the Third and Fourth and Fifth Parliaments of World’s Religions.
Schedule for the event:
Join us at 11 am EDT, 5 pm Swiss time, 6 pm Israel time
6 pm (Israel time) - Pre-meeting in zoom rooms, based on texts,
6.30-7.30 pm - Presentations, brief meditations and discussion,
7.30 pm - Praying together - anchoring our prayers in Jerusalem with one representative per religion,
7.50 pm Zoom room opens for free exchange and conversation
In order to avoid unwanted participants from interrupting our sessions, you must register to receive a link for the meeting. Please register here..