Tackling the Fears of Corona (second installment)
Invitation to an International Interfaith Online Prayer and Teaching Meeting
02/04/2020 | Na stronie od 30/03/2020

Ubiór lekarza w czasie zarazy
From: The Elijah Interfaith Institute
Tackling the Fears of Corona (second installment)
The Coronavirus has turned our life around in a very short time. In dealing with it, we discover that fear is a major part of our response to it and what conditions our actions. We seek to confront the fears generated by the pandemic. We seek to do so by drawing on the wisdom of religions and their leaders, and by turning our hearts together in prayer, across countries and across religious differences.
Based on the great success of the first online prayer and teaching meeting, we will be holding such meetings as an ongoing service of Elijah, its leaders and scholars, to religious communities and to the community at large.
Once again, we will have the opportunity to hear 4 reflections, from diverse religious leaders across the globe and to join together in prayer and in silence, for the healing of the present global pandemic.
Join us this coming Thursday, April 2nd, for an online session with:
Sister Jayanti, UK Sister Jayanti is the European Director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and their NGO Representative to the United Nations, Geneva. She has been an emissary for peace for over 40 years, travelling extensively as a speaker and broadcaster. She has contributed to the interfaith movement for over 35 years, presenting at many events including the Parliament of the World’s Religions and most recently at the Durban Interfaith Rally on Climate Justice held at the start of COP17. Sister Jayanti heads the BK delegations to the current series of UN Climate Change conferences.
Imam Plemon el-Amin, USA Imam El Amin has served for the past 24 years as the Resident Imam of the Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam. He holds a PhD from Harvard University. His insightful and hands-on approach to leadership has helped develop the Atlanta Masjid into one of the largest and most progressive Muslim communities in the United States. He worked closely as an aide and supporter of Imam W. Deen Mohammed and his Ministry for 33 years and takes his place on the EBWRL following the latter’s death in 2008. Imam El Amin holds a PhD from Harvard University. His insightful and hands-on approach to leadership has helped develop the Atlanta Masjid into one of the largest and most progressive Muslim communities in the US.
Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Netherlands Soetendorp is Rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Community in The Hague (The Netherlands). He presides over the European Region of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, and serves as Earth Charter Commissioner and is a Founding Board Member of the Green Cross International.
Prof. Piotr Sikora, Poland Prof. Piotr Sikora obtained PhD from Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His philosophical research focuses on philosophy of religion, mysticism and questions concerning possibilities and constraints of intercultural and interreligious mutual understanding. He grew up as a catholic Christian. Having been trained in the European philosophical tradition and has been inspired by Hindu and, particularly, Buddhist thought. His Buddhist spiritual practice has been influenced by Kwan Um school of zen. Read more. As a consequence he seeks to revive the ancient idea of philosophy which combines intellectual research with spiritual exercise. Currently he teaches philosophy and interreligious dialogue at Jesuit University „Ignatianum” in Krakow, Poland.
The session will take place on Thursday, April 2nd, at 11 am EDT, 4 pm London time, 5 pm Europe time, 6 pm Israel time, 8.30 pm India time.
Based on your feedback, we are altering the format, as follows:
- 10.30 (EDT) chat rooms open for personal encounters, based on materials that will be disseminated in advance to those who register
- 11.00 (EDT) program begins
- 12.00 (EDT) onward - Chat rooms are open for unmoderated engagement of individuals across the globe on issues of Corona and global need.
To register, please fill out this form.
You will receive login information, and we will send you materials to prepare the first chat session in small groups. Once again, we will ask for your feedback, following this session, so that we can improve from session to session.
With prayers for health, security and peace
The Elijah Interfaith Institute
In case you missed the previous session, we invite you to watch an edited version of the recording here.